May 26, 2009
Baltimore Senator Theatre owner Tom Kiefaber deserves our respect
BALTIMORE, MD — My Opinion piece on the Senator Theatre was printed in the Baltimore Sun on May 23, 2009.
Nowhere in the world is it easy to continue to operate a single screen movie theater, and too many single screens are just not feasible. For the last few decades, Kiefaber did it with aplomb. He put the Senator Theatre on the worldwide map of historic cinemas. He’s made sure the Art Deco theater is physically maintained and that it glows with excitement. On my visits, the Senator has been a magical place. Moviegoers enjoy the backlit glass blocks of the exterior, the splendid rotunda lobby which often features interesting historic exhibits, the well stocked concession area, and a movie with state of the art sound and perfect projection on the large screen. Unforgettable is a trip to the handsomely decorated men’s room suite, finding that you get to hear the movie through piped in speakers.
Read more in the Baltimore Sun.
February 18, 2009
Lebowsky Center owner trying to raise $350,000
OWOSSO, MI — The Owosso Community Players, which owns the fire-gutted Lebowsky Center is trying to raise $350,000 by May 1 in order to qualify for a matching grant from the city of Owosso which it received as part of the Vibrant Small Cities Initiative.
If the grant money is received, the $700,000 would be used to enclose the theater again and begin interior work. Completing the entire project is expected to cost $3.5 million.
Additional info from the Argus-Press.
If you are interested in donating to the OCP, contact Linda Keenan of the Owosso Community Players, P.O. Box 606, Owosso, MI 48867. Their phone number is (989) 723-1488.
February 17, 2009
Theater owner looking for help
My name is Kyle Thomson, I am in the process of purchasing a theater and need to upgrade the projectors, sound and seating.
If anyone can help me, I would appreciate it.
Kyle -
February 9, 2009
Rendering of Philadelphia’s Boyd Theatre
Friends of the Boyd are pleased to share with you our link to this
wonderful rendering of what Philadelphia’s historic Boyd Theatre’s
Chestnut Street frontage would look like restored to its original 1928 exterior (albeit without the vertical sign).Thanks to architects Martinez and Johnson of Washington D.C. for the incredible work they have done on this project over the years, originally for Clear Channel and currently for Philadelphia developer Hal Wheeler. As to the vertical sign, Gary Martinez has stated they will design so the vertical could later be installed. Because the 1928 photos are black and white, the proposed colors for the Boyd frontage were derived from original Art Deco colors discovered at the Boyd Theatre.
February 2, 2009
State Theatre revival help
I’m looking for investors to bring this theater back in bussiness. I have all the vendors in place with cost of property and cost to retool. I’m asking for anyone that would like to help.
I can be reached at:
Chris Hammontree
650 Windsor
Kingman, AZ 8640910 am-1pm M-F
Chris H. -
January 15, 2009
Spielberg inspired by movie seen at Boyd Theatre
On Sunday’s Golden Globes telecast, Steven Spielberg described how he was inspired to become a director after his father took him to see “The Greatest Show on Earth” at a Philadelphia movie theater. As many of you know from our historic photos, it was the Boyd Theatre that showcased that film.
The 1952 movie was not wide screen, but unusual for any movie, had a wide screen special effect showing a train crash. After seeing the movie, Spielberg crashed his model trains at home so many times that his father told him he would take away the trains if he kept it up. Spielberg borrowed his father’s 8 mm camera and filmed the train crash, so he could watch the trains crashing on film.
September 2, 2008
Woodburn theater help
WOODBURN, OR — We are trying to restore a theater that has been abandoned for 10 years. The theater has lots of qualities. If anyone has any leads for us to be able to get this theater up and going, our community would be grateful.
May 8, 2008
Looking for seats
I have a client that needs approx. 400 seats (used or fairly new in good condition)for a very old theatre in Oklahoma.
Janine Bradford
Cinema Service
Dallas, TX
214-692-7555 #200 -
April 24, 2008
Digibeta needed for not-for-profit theater
If anyone has a working Digibeta that they are willing to donate to a NFP theater, please post here and I will forward contact information.
March 20, 2008
Everett faces tough road ahead
MIDDLETOWN, DE — Until further notice, The Historic Everett Theatre is closed. At approximately 11:30 pm Saturday March 15th, portions of the ceiling collapsed causing extensive damage. The theatre was vacant at the time.
The theatre will suffer significant financial harm due to the cost of repairs, as well as the loss of revenue for planned movies and performances.