Comments from DuPagefiends

Showing 26 - 50 of 300 comments

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater meets end on May 11, 2007 at 5:21 pm

There is only one group to blame for this debacle…the friends of the theatre…whose imcompetence and ego’s help demolish the theatre.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Mar 28, 2007 at 12:36 pm

KF what have done done to save the theatre…besides supporting a demolition plan…what an oxymoron.

Talk about fraud, Yes I will admit that I bought a lemonade and they took my name, and my wife’s name, oh and my newborn baby’s name and all the sudden all 3 of us are considered one of the “5000 theatre supporters”. We know the truth that there are only 28 supporters left.

The only frauds on this site are the friends and their leadership that supported a demolition plan.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 27, 2007 at 9:55 am

Ray pretty weak support for your puppet toadie trustee, you are the only house on Grace St. with signs up. I counted 15 Brad Janisch sign. Support is overwhelming

Hoo-Hah For Brad!

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Mar 27, 2007 at 5:15 am

So you don’t deny following them around at least. Maybe your time would have been better spent fundraising FOR the theatre instead of supporting a plan that included demolition of the theatre.

Maybe you buddy Devitt should have stapled his papers together. HAHA A thousand ballots. not close. But who cares anyway, the more you guys talk about politics the stronger my case is…that your group was/is failures.

Funny how you guys supported Tross when he voted for you and now you are against him..Too bad the new Trustee will vote against the theatre even with your two other puppet trustees

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Mar 27, 2007 at 3:05 am

And Rita one more thing…Thanks for proving that dupagedude is, in fact, Jim devitt because he has lied repeatedly about it.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Mar 27, 2007 at 3:02 am

His deck violated code also, too big and too close to the lot line. Who cares about Tross' deck it was built within limits and he eventually paid. No Harm.

If anybody should be embarassed it should be you and your theatre group, following the trustees around town trying to create some kind of scandal. Heavens if they should do 26 in a 25 speedzone while driving.

It was NOT only a “few” votes, but thanks for your “expertise” on local politics which supports my theory that Jim’s agenda is one of politics. If he “left” town then why is he knee deep involved in local politics?

Isn’t that why you are on the library board, to make sure the library doesn’t go there.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 27, 2007 at 2:52 am

Three posts up Jim is quoted as saying “tax dollars being used to build a splash park directly between a busy east-west road and a dangerous railroad track (one of the busiest in the State)?”

Did you know that the theatre ACTUALLY sits closer to those same railroad tracks as the water park that Jim Devit mentions earlier, AND TAX DOLLARS are being used. The theare and water park are only blocks apart and the water park only cost tens of thousands, where the theatre is about $10 million.

The water park parking lot is adjacent to it, whereas the theatre parking lot will be across the tracks and across Main St.

What’s his point? He doesn’t even think when he posts because his agenda is political NOT preservation.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 26, 2007 at 5:29 pm

Everybody look at crazy old ray’s last two posts, they wreak of politics, just as I have stated time and time again, his agenda is one of politics and NOT preservation.

At least this write-in candidate (Brad) has a chance to win, not like your loser friend who got blown out of the water in the last election, thus starting your smear campaign.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Mar 26, 2007 at 5:25 pm

Dupagedude is none other than Jim Devit, the same person who lost his election by a landslide, violated several village codes, adn left Lombard in shame with his tale between his legs. ALL FACTS! Not even Jim can deny them.

Now he calls us “anti-culture” when before he called us “anti-theatre”. Which is it? Your agenda has always been politics. Now you support a plan that included demolition, and you call yourself a preservationist.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Mar 26, 2007 at 4:37 am

I will answer that because it is an easy one to answer. The Friends of the theatre for years have spread their lies and misinformation on this site and others. Our job, (Yes “our” because there are many of us) has been to make sure the truth is being told.

I, for one, have been critical of their group for years as they have said (ad nauseam) “no taxpayer money will be used”. Well now we have a plan in place that is fully taxpayer funded that also included demolition.

All one has to do it look at their history…bake sales and pancake breakfast’s bringing in hundreds of $$ when they needed Millions of $$. AND THEN POOF!!! THE FUNDRAISING STOPPED. Now their mission statement is “why fundraise when the taxpayers could foot the bill”.

Brain, I would have liked to see this theatre saved, seeing I know a little more about its history than you do. It has been well documented that I called for this group of friends to be disbanded years ago and for some other people to step up to the plate. Their egos' got to big and now they support a plan that included demolition. I have never supported this current plan, have you???

As far as my name is concerned, I have a small child and I do not need them calling my house in the middle of the night as they have been known to do. That is how this group is, they resort to name-calling and threats…read the Daily Herald any time…these are facts.

As far as this idiot Ray M. is concerned, his agenda is about politics, just read his posts. He was kicked off another webiste/blog and now he came here to spew his venom. Fact!

So in a nutshell, to answer your question, I was for the the theatre but against “preservation at any cost”, but now the theatre is gone.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 26, 2007 at 4:20 am

What “other plans” Ray? You are the only person in town that thinks there are “other plans”

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Mar 25, 2007 at 9:30 am

My agenda is to make sure the taxpayers don’t fund this project. Which could have been done if the friends weren’t in charge, now we have nothing to show for it except a demolished thatre that the friends supported.

What is your agenda Brian Wolf?

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 25, 2007 at 9:27 am

“hoo-hah” Is that the most intelligent response you can come up with?

Ray, sebby’s gone, why are you so bitter still? You are a cranky old man

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Mar 24, 2007 at 3:16 am

folks don’t be fooled by Ray M. His agenda is revenge and he could care less about preservation.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 23, 2007 at 1:10 pm

Ray you seem to be so bored now that Kurt won’t let you post on his site.
Go here for some REAL news:

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 17, 2007 at 5:51 am

thanks for proving me correct. You miss Kurt’s old site.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 15, 2007 at 4:12 pm


where are you? How come every time I call you out you disappear. I know you miss Kurt’s site, ever since it was shut down you have no where to spread your hatred and revenge. I have exposed your fraud Ray.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 14, 2007 at 1:42 pm

Jim yoou have been crying about the hospital, ad nauseam, for years. It’s ONLY a three story building and it is nowhere near a residence.

And to Ray M. You are a fraud old man. Kurt shut down your favorite website and now all the sudden you start posting on this site.

Funny how all your posts have multiple one line sentences, ALL CAPS words, missing spaces between periods, etc. Just like your posts on Kurts site.

You must be in love with Kurt and miss his website.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 13, 2007 at 3:50 pm

The first lie is not actually a lie, because they said 8 feet from the PROPERTY lines, nobody ever said homes. That is a fact Jim.

The second thing you talk about, that is the first I heard of that, please explain who, when, where, what was said, otherwise that is another lie by you.

I don’t expect New Lombard to answer you, she still thinks that the friends were a “preservation” group when they supported “demolition”.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 12, 2007 at 4:17 pm

New Lombard,

You say “grass roots preservationist group?”.

When was the last time your group had a fundraiser? 2005?!?! Please all you guys did was collect a couple thousand dollars in 8-9 years and then you supported demolition…what was so “grassroots” about that?

Plus wasn’t it your group of people that parade people up to the podium and called everybody names? So many times that the President had to stop each of you. Funny I never heard the CHarlotte St. residents calling anybody names.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 12, 2007 at 1:36 pm

Look everybody, the other website gets shut down and now Ray M. posts over here with his buddy Jim (dude).

Ray’s posts are full of crap, he talks of conspiracy theories and threats such as “Those who have been corrupted WILL be exposed”.

Who will be exposed Ray? Is that like we exposed you (time and time again) on the other site. The one you denied posting on. Funny how all your posts have multiple one line sentences, ALL CAPS words, missing spaces between periods, etc. Just like your posts here. You are a fraud Ray with one agenda….REVENGE

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 11, 2007 at 8:23 am

I love how Jim Devit (aka dude) talk’s about FOIA’s. He has talked about conspiracy theories for years.

There is NO comspiracy…it is just the voice of many drowning out the whimper let out by the 28 friends.

If there are even 28 left.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 10, 2007 at 2:15 pm

Rita (also a card-carrying member of the friends),
Many people have come up with alternative plans, for instance, why not sell the whole property because the Village does NOT need to be in the theatre business. However your group had held the village hostage with your (count ‘em) 18 plans…all of which have been complete failures.

Also, how many people (not me though) have come up with the Library plan, or are you so out of touch with reality you forgot the Library.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 10, 2007 at 12:04 pm

hey dupagedud (aka Jim devit), explain what the “T” in TIF stands for…OK I will…TAX.

Perhaps if you didn’t lose that election so badly 4 years ago…well now that the trustee you lost to is stepping down, what will you do? We know that your agenda is one of revenge and that you could care less about the theatre.

DuPagefiends commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 10, 2007 at 3:21 am

Hey Buff,
what don’t you understand? The VERY people placed in charge of restoration have supported a plan that INCLUDED demolition, and they wanted the site replaced with Condo’s and a blackbox theatre. The only “thugs” you are talking about is them.

Oh, and by the way they want it to be paid for by the taxpayers. That is wrong and that is one of our fights.

You look like a fool because you are attacking the wrong people.