Comments from jbn6773

Showing 51 - 52 of 52 comments

jbn6773 commented about Regal Cinema on Mar 22, 2005 at 4:32 am

Was in Melton Mowbray just before christmas 2004. The cinema now only occupies the balcony area, with the entire stalls/stage area having been used as a bingo hall. This part of the building is now occupied by a large bar called ‘The Cutting Room’. The dividing wall at the front of the balcony where the screen is now located is used by the bar to project television pictures. The main bar and toilets are located in the area where the stage and original screen would have been located. I have been in the cinema once (about 6 years ago) it now probably holds about 200-250.

jbn6773 commented about Former Odeon Cinema For Sale? on Oct 20, 2004 at 2:11 pm

The cinema now has a price tag asking for offers in the region of £500,000. As large parts of the building have not been used since Odeon closed it in 1981, there is a great deal of work needed. (Caesars only occupied the front circle and entire stalls / lower foyer area. The upper foyer, projection rooms / offices were never brought back into use. The windows along the side of the building on both the upper foyer level and projection room level were never replaced and have been open to the elements for 23 years. Passing by, there are a number of pigeons and other birds entering the building by these windows.) I have recent photos of the exterior of the building, which I will send when the add photos is back online.