Comments from ArtBuzzell

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ArtBuzzell commented about Hartford Drive-In on Feb 23, 2018 at 6:57 am

My name is Art Buzzell and I am the grandson of Richard Dick buzzell. He was the manager of the Hartford Drive-In the entire time I knew of him as my grandfather until he passed. A lot of good memories there. Through that Drive-In I have met Bela Lugosi and Vincent Price. It is interesting that just this morning I’m watching a documentary on drive-ins and Hartford Drive-In is mentioned. My grandmother worked at the box office for admission Counting Cars also. I would go there when I was in high school and say to Nana the next 5 cars behind me are with me! But every Saturday and Sunday I have to go to the drive-in and pick up garbage because that was the time when you just threw your garbage out the window and loved it… Can’t do that today. Thanks for reading keep the memory alive