Comments from BobHardin

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BobHardin commented about Morris Plains Drive-In on May 15, 2006 at 12:06 pm

While growing up in the 60’s, my brother and I often ventured out with mom and dad to the Morris Plans Drive In. Residing up the highway in Denville, we probably could have walked, had there been sidewalks on Rt 10.. In the 70’s I was able to drive myself. Near the end of the drive in’s run, there were a few times we’d arrive at the lot, circle through, only to realize no one was there to run the show. The end was near. But, in the mid 80’s is when my note of interest takes place…

I rented the upstairs of a kind woman’s house in Dover. Her name was Bea Doland, and her husband had passed years earlier, prior to my moving in. I partially recall one of our conversations involving the Morris Plains Drive In. She stated that she, and her husband, had managed(owned?) the MPDI for some 20(?) odd years. I think, at the time, I asked if she had any photos. She did not. That was that. My interest in local ‘retro’ history has grown since then, I regret not having asked her to share more memories.