Comments from caltiki54

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caltiki54 commented about Five Towns Theatre on May 8, 2015 at 10:13 pm

I remember the “FIVE TOWNS” Theatre entrance was at the back of a wide corridor, attached to the left of MAYS DEPARTMENT STORE. You walked in, & there were side entrance doors to MAYS on the right. You walked straight down & there was a nursery to purchase Plants & gardening items. The Theatre doors/box office was all the way back. My Parents started taking me there around 1968. I saw a re-release of the “1966 BATMAN” Feature Film, at a Saturday Morning Matinee. Also saw a re-release of “FANTASIA”, & 1st release showings of, “THE LOVE BUG”-1968, “THE BOATNIKS”-1970, & “THE ARISTOCATS”-1970…For a few years, Early-70s, there was a huge PLAYWORLD TOYS DEPARTMENT STORE, at the far left of the complex. MAYS had a good Toy Department, with all the G.I JOES, but the nearby KORVETTES & Times Square Stores/TSS, had all the Best Toys & Gumball Machines!…

caltiki54 commented about RKO Strand Theatre on May 8, 2015 at 9:40 pm

In 1974, I went with my mom to FAR ROCK, to shop. We passed the RKO STRAND, & they were showing “THE GREEN HORNET”(an hour-plus of incoherent edits from the 1966 TV Series), & some R-Rated Blaxploitation, on a double bill. I made a fuss & my mom dropped me off. I came in at the end of THE HORNET, & had to sit through the other film, to see THE HORNET from the beginning. I was 10yrs old, & saw my 1st R-Rated sex scenes in a film that day. I was the only Kid there, among about only 5 adults. It was an afternoon showing. I would love to find out the title of that Blaxploitation flik. About 10mins before THE HORNET ended, my mom came into the theatre to get me. I must of been in there for close to 3 hours. I wanted to stay to the ending, & she said she will leave me there, if I didnt come NOW!…My only RKO STRAND experience, Bch.20th in FAR ROCK…

caltiki54 commented about Pix Theatre on May 8, 2015 at 9:13 pm

In 1975, 4 friends & I were dropped off for the day, & sat through 4 out of the 5 “PLANET OF THE APES” Films. The Marathon was called, “GO APE!”…As we were leaving, I went over to the 1Sheet Poster on the wall inside, by the front doors, & ripped it down. I still have that Poster today, all ragged, torn & ripped. My one & only memory of “THE PIX” on MOTT, in FAR ROCK…