Comments from Cheersdan

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Cheersdan commented about RKO Orpheum Theater on Jul 23, 2016 at 5:47 pm

Hello Enthusiasts of Cincinnati’s Walnut Hills Theaters! I am so glad to have found you all! I am a Historic Preservation Architect working on a masters thesis project on Peebles' Corner and it includes the theaters of the Walnut Hills area.

First are Wayne C, HankSykes, Otto18, Joe Vogel, dickneeds111, and dallasmovietheaters all still members or active with this website?

Where exactly was the Century theater besides 1914 Gilbert, because that address does no show up on the auditor website any longer? Was it possible three buildings down from the intersection of Peebles' Corner on the southwest corner (bottom left)? The old photos show that theater at Peebles' __________…I cannot make out the name. The theater that I am referencing is next door to the 4-story Durner Building on the same left side of the street. I have some more questions about the Orpheum and as many other buildings around that bustling area of Peebles' Corner for anyone of you that may remember them from1900’s to current. Thank you!!! Dan