Comments from ctwhite01

Showing 2 comments

ctwhite01 commented about Fox Criterion Theatre on Sep 15, 2005 at 6:58 am

Sorry about the spelling errors in
the previous posting of 9/15/05 @ 9:48am.
I have a good photo of the theatre
from its original days as the Kinema.
Would be happy to post it or make
it available for posting if site manager
would contact me about it.

ctwhite01 commented about Fox Criterion Theatre on Sep 15, 2005 at 6:48 am

What follows is the first account of the Kinema Theatre
to appear in the LA Times where the name Kinema is mentioned;
a building permit for it having just been registered.

LA Times; Mar 4, 1917; pg. V1

Fine Drawings on Exhibition

Perspective of New Film House
for Grand Avenue is Included among
hundreds of interesting Plans on View.

One of the interesting drawings now on
view at the Architectural Exhibition on the
sixth floor of the Metropolitan Building is
the perspective of a large motion-picture
theatre planned by Dodd & Richards for
a local syndicate and to be erected on the
east side of Grand avenue just north of
Seventh Street. The project, is is understood,
wil go ahead at once, application for a
building having already been made.

The plan at the exhibition shows a structure
in the style of the French renaiisance and of
onate front. The building will have a height
equivalent to four stories and will be of
steel frame construction, the walls being of
brick and the facing of terra cotta. It will
cover a ground area of 90x155 feet. The
seating capacity of the auditorium will be
2500. The new film house will be known
as the Kinema Theatre and is understood
to have been leased to Oakland theatrical
interests for a term of years.