Comments from DABOC1

Showing 13 comments

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Aug 6, 2004 at 1:54 pm

Warren’s right.

I tried to keep my posts both about the theatre and my memories of Ridgewood. For me it was both since I grew up around the corner from the Ridgewood Theatre.

As I am not that computer advanced does anyone know how to make a site where we could reminisce and keep in touch??? I have many more questions for all of you but did not post for trying to keep it as much about the Ridgewood Theatre. So I would love it if anyone knew where we could go to share our memories.

ps sorry Warren

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Aug 1, 2004 at 2:03 pm

View link

OUR COMMUNITY, It’s History and People: Ridgewood, Maspeth, Middle Village, Liberty Park, Glendale.

291 pages in this hardcover. Published by Greater Ridgewood Historical Society, Inc., 1976.

hey guys just saw this today on Ebay.


DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Aug 1, 2004 at 1:17 pm

For Rich D, yes we did go to Norman Street and Cypress Ave.and also to my old house in Maspeth on 58th Road too. Norman street was still pretty much the same — an old hodge podge of different homes but directly across from my old apartment they tore down the building and put up really nice apartments/condos? two or three floors and nicely landscaped.

Unfortunately my old building now has a very tacky neon pink awning on the store below complete with graffiti — it makes it look bad : (

Wycoff Avenue looked bad and still does; too crowded and not taken care of enough.
Myrtle Avenue was ok but sadly too many nice store fronts were changed and not for the better —– what is with the fat awnings that just block out each other and make the street look way too crowded??? Bad decision.

My parents used to own a card and gift shop called Friendship Gifts right off of Myrtle Ave. on I think Catalpa? Diagonally across from the old bank that is now a drug store. They got rid of the nice old fashioned glass front with the door recessed and it is now just a glass and metal nothing front, lost it’s charm.

Dawn, I remember your name but not the face. I was the co-captain on the cheerleaders with you. You mentioned Bruce Cox, do you remember Anna Filosa? I heard she married Joey Marx – Michele’s brother and Michele married Dennis Hearns.

I am still very good friends with Vicki Hobson. Did you ever hear anything about Jimmy Mahoney? Who do you keep in touch with?

Where is everyone now?
I grew up in Ridgewood; Madison St. (Ridgewood Theatre’s back) and Norman St. Moved to Maspeth, got married moved to Floral Park and now in CT. Let me know where you all are now. And once again thank you to Monica for helping with my Ridgewood Theatre’s memories.

Very proud former “Ridgewoodite”
(?) is that right Peter?

Debra : )

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Aug 1, 2004 at 12:57 pm

Hey Guys, You CAN Go Home Again!!!

My visit back to Ridgewood two Saturdays ago was my first since the mid 70’s and I was very pleasantly surprised : )

First of all it was much cleaner than I expected and the graffiti was at a minimum. The biggest shock was TREES, there are trees on my old block! (Madison Street right behind the Ridgewood Theatre)

My old block is treed lined —— there were no trees when I was growing up there till I left 1969 to go to Norman Street. When were the trees put in? It especially looks nice on Madison Street above Cypress Ave. cause they have trees on both sides. It makes a big difference.

My old house did not look too much the same at first glance which was a little sad. The front doors are gone which were beautiful in fact only one house on Mad. still had the doors with the glass in it. The old fashioned “S” shaped iron fence was replaced with much too high straight iron fence it makes everything look too small. The fire hydrant looks exactly the same – still leaking too!

Here’s the best while I was there people were coming in and out and I spoke with one tenant who lived in the top apartment where we first lived, then moved to the bottom! He seemed Polish and was only there since Feb. and invited me and my husband to see the apartment. I declined but asked if I could see the back yard, I was real interested in that. He brought us to the landlord and she took us out the back and it was wonderful it looked 10x better than when I was growing up!

The Ridgewood Theatre from the back looked pretty much the same except for the bottom being painted black, I guess cause of graffiti and the pillars that were on either side of each emergency exit door were gone. The fire escape looked the same too, which could be very scary!!

We also went to Palmetto Street to see my friend Vicki’s old house which the front is now painted purple -yechh! We drove by St. Brigid’s church and my husband did not remember how much detail is on the front.

The school’s top 2 floors had curtains in them like someone’s home??? The boys school was not a school anymore, when did they close that down? The front of the school was open and I went in to the auditorium and did not remember the detail of the wood. Also the entrance was still grand with the green granite/marble. The doors to the upstairs and down were replaced with fire doors and key locks and a sign that said “St. Brigid’s ed classes second floor” how much of the school is left? Is it only religious ed??

Another nice thing was the worker at the school, I asked if I could take a picture of the stage and he said “why”? I told him I went there and it was for memories and he replied “oh, ok, I thought you were from the Media”. He was protecting Father Kelly —– I thought that was so nice : )

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Jul 23, 2004 at 8:30 pm

Yes, I am happy and a little concerned seeing Ridgewood tomorrow for the FIRST TIME since the mid 70’s —— my Mom, now in New Jersey said “Oh don’t go, it will have changed too much” but I want to see and take pictures of the apartment buildings I used to live at on Madison Street and Norman Street.

As far as skiping St. Brigid’s it was only because I did not want my last memory of it being that Father Kelly was just attacked days earlier. I would rather remember getting married there, I came back to Ridgewood from Maspeth to get married —– Rich D. and Wally did the video of the wedding!

I do hope people will support and help Father Kelly and that they catch who did this soon. This is the 3rd time I know of that he has been attached!!

I remembered now, I think it was Jack McCue that was a basketball player for St. Francis…..does that sound familiar?

Well good nite to all and tomorrow…….. “HELLO RIDGEWOOD, MY OLD HOME TOWN”

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Jul 22, 2004 at 3:28 pm

“On for Old St. Francis” ……on red and blue oh my gosh how we can remember things from a song!

Was Jack McCabe a basketball player? I think I remember him from my cheering days.

For the first time since mid to late 70’s I probably will be going back to Ridgewood this Saturday!

I have to go to Woodhaven so I thought I’d drive through Ridgewood first and see my old house on Madison Street around the corner from the Ridgewood Theatre.
Now after hearing about Father Kelly, maybe I will skip seeing St. Brigid’s again.

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Jul 8, 2004 at 5:06 pm

Rich D –

What a nice surprise to see your post!!! I’ll never forget when I first knew Philip and he was showing me pics of him and his work pals bowling and telling me the names of the people, and when he got to one pic I said “That’s Richie D” before he could tell me! He was so surprised. You made me smile by remembering Mike Daly in your post. If you want leave your email address.

I found this site by my on and off again searches of “Ridgewood”. You would not believe the things they sell on Ebay for Ridgewood; post cards, brewing labels, used match books, I look for myself and for presents for my Dad who grew up in Ridgewood too.

I was the one who said I went to the Madison Theatre to see the Dave Clark Five, my mom took me and I remember standing on the arms of the chairs to see cause I was so small and everyone was standing and jumping up and not hearing much cause of all the screaming!

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Jun 29, 2004 at 5:06 pm

The store on the corner of Madison Street and Myrtle Avenue was a furniture store called Triangle Furniture when I was growing up in the 60’s so if someone knows it was a furniture store from the 70’s I can tell you it was in the ‘60’s also. I lived at 1675 Madison and would pass the store everyday.

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 26, 2004 at 11:51 am


Your memory is amazing! So we both went to St. Brigid’s and you went to St. Francis when St. Nick’s was it’s “Sister school”. Joanie and I were friends and cheerleaders together for St. Francis but I do not remember her dating an Andy. In fact I remember she dated a John ? who died early. Did you know Richie Dandelion? He was a male cheerleader like John and turned out to be a friend of my husband’s when they were at Touche Ross.

Carol dated Marty, Yes! and he always called me “Cuz” cause we had the same last name O'Connor. I was Captain of the cheerleaders and got along with Marty and Coach O'Connor. “Trix” —– that’s right LOL!

Father McCabe was my favorite, he was more like a regular person and I knew him well from basketball. Speaking of music, what about the band leader from St. Francis? I marched in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade with the band for all four years in high school and they always played the same songs!

THANKS everyone for all the memories and MONICA for the pictures. Peter leave your email address and I will email you.

*Bway – you never said where you went to school.

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 24, 2004 at 7:22 pm


How do you remember all that stuff??? I remember most of the names you wrote and I was very good friends with Roseanne Butera and I knew April Weiss well too! Do you know how they are doing?

I was close with Vicki Hobson, Paula Rappolo, Michelle Marx, Debbie Alzheimer (one grade older), Joanie Licarri I got to know better cause we both went to St. Nick’s high school. Boys; Jimmy Mahoney, Hans Zimmer, Jack (I think started with M) my memory is not as good as yours, Micheal Lisa, Bruce something, ohh I am sure I am forgetting a bunch. Frank Burgio I think I knew in high school cause we cheered for St. Francis Prep and he went there ( if I remember correctly!)

Teachers wow how do you remember? I know I liked Miss Cerabisi in 3rd grade, a Miss L. I had two years, Sister Mary Helen, Sr. M. Mercy, but boy did Sister Mary Anna hate me – wow.

Are you pulling my leg with the “crush on a Deborah” I am a Debra. My father’s and his family went to St. Brigid’s also!

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 19, 2004 at 7:04 am


The “jig is up”? I’m not hiding anything! Hey, how did you know I was Irish??? LOL

OK, so obviously we went to school together all the same years at St. Brigid’s. I lived exactly on the block your friend Charles lived on but I do not remember that name at all. I was only one of two girls on the whole block and the other girl was much older so we did not play. That is where I started my love of sports and a very early “equal” way of thinking.

Who were some of your pals from St. Brigid’s, maybe I knew some of them? Do you keep in touch with anyone from school?

When I was growing up I remember Ridgewood being mostly German and Italian. I always remember the German women washing the brownstone steps with soap and water 2x a week!

I also have a 9 year old son! And I have a 15 year old son.

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 16, 2004 at 10:32 pm

—obviously my post was for living there 1955-1974.

Peter and Bway —– where did you go to school?

I remember the Madison Theatre, I saw the Dave Clark Five there in person with my mom!

DABOC1 commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 16, 2004 at 10:25 pm

WOW, you do not know how much I enjoyed this site! I lived at 1675 Madison Street from 1955-174 directly across from the back of the Ridgewood Theatre —– does anyone know of a picture of the back of the theatre, or of that part of Madison Street?

When I was a kid we would play “ace, king, queen” against the brick wall. I even played on the fire escape and brought blankets to make a tent!

All the time I lived in Ridgewood it was Ridgewood, Queens. I went to St. Brigid’s school and heard people say both Queens and Brooklyn for the school.

Does anyone know of any other sites where people share memories about Ridgewood?
