Comments from DavidPWA

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DavidPWA commented about Phoenix Theater on Apr 11, 2008 at 10:14 pm

When I was a youing kid my parent would sometimes take us to the Phoenix Theatre. It had to be the early/mid fifties. The theatre had past its prime by then and was somewhat grungy and just plain in need of a good cleaning. I remember it was the only one we could afford. Little kids were 10 cents and adults were 25 cents. Sometimes we walked; must have been winter. Sometimes we must have been wealthy and drove in our old Model A Ford.

It was cool inside and I remember the Indian Maidens on the ceiling. That was a true work of beautiful art except I remember a long crack going through the art work. I wondered forever how they painted that, why and how scary it must have been to be working at such a height.

I remember movies I did not really care for at that tme such as Dancing In The Rain, Meet Me In St. Louis, Wake Of The Red Witch (that one really scared me). I have since come to admire and greatly appreciate these wonderful movies!