Comments from djsteveakron

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djsteveakron commented about Rolling Acres Cinema on Jun 28, 2013 at 1:20 pm

True story. we were at Rolling Acres Cinema for probably one of the last, if not the one, movies there (The Pink Panther, the first remake) And all the workers left during the movie (they werent even doing tickets, just some old guy making random hashmarks on a clipboard sheet)

Well we didn’t know they had all left till after the movie, we went out, and it being over around 10PM… found we were LOCKED IN!! thats right, and we were dancing and making a scene aound the security office, trying to poke in the store with all the swords and sharp shiny things, just trying to be noticed by SOMEONE (this was back in the days we weren’t attached to the hip by cell phones)

Finally someone inside stocking Target heard us pounding on thier door, and we left thru Target… lol that was my last visit to Rolling Acres, there was nothing left after that.

The mall is deserted and stripped of anything valuable.