Comments from Driveinfan87

Showing 2 comments

Driveinfan87 commented about Festival Cinemas on Dec 8, 2022 at 2:19 pm

Back in the early 80s, my dad went to this very movie theater and actually got to see City of the Walking Dead (aka Nightmare City) the Italian zombie-like infected movie from the late director Umberto Lenzi during it’s US theatrical run in 1983. Which was probably either 83 or 84 when he went to see it.

Driveinfan87 commented about Union City Drive-In Marquee on Jul 10, 2019 at 2:32 am

You’re welcome terrywade thanks for letting me know about the antique shop in Fremont I must check it out someday. I love the old drive-in as I have a lot of great childhood memories in the 90s going there, seeing movies like Terminator 2-Judgement Day, Lion King, Indian in the Cupboard, Problem Child 2, Jim Carrey’s The Mask and some other ones I believe just can’t remember. Was sad once they closed it in early 98. I miss the drive-in to this day. And highly agree they should of left the marquee up would of been something very memorable of what was once there before the Century 25 theater and shopping complex so the kids of this generation can learn something but unfortunately it’s not the case at all. Memories will always live on and thank God for the museums that still have it’s remains and sites like Cinema Tour, Cinema Treasures and have the photos of it.