Comments from Elthesh

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Elthesh commented about Rohs Theatre on Jan 20, 2012 at 12:53 am

Unless I’m sorely mistaken, this theater was open in the 70s and 80s as I was there almost every week watching a new movie. I saw Star Wars there among others. I remember it was a one screen theater, quite fancy too. There was an upper balcony and lots of the older style fancy theater curtains you’d see in years past. I cannot say for absolute certain the last movie I saw there before I left Cynthiana, but I most definately saw Return of the Jedi there which was in 1983 and it’s the last movie I can remember seeing although I likely saw other less memorable movies after that. If I somehow managed to confuse this with the nearby opera theater, I apologize, but I do believe this was the one I was at all the time back then.