Comments from Fergie

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Fergie commented about Studio 97 Theater on Jul 22, 2011 at 5:01 pm

By the way…it was in the late 60’s early 70’s that I worked there, it was across the street from Freeway Ford and the restaurant next door at the time was called Jimmy’s Lemon Tree.

Fergie commented about Studio 97 Theater on Jul 22, 2011 at 4:59 pm

I worked at Studio 97 many, many years ago and remember going to see movies when it was Oxboro. We made the best popcorn bar none and people stopped in just for the popcorn. Start the Revolution With Me with Gene Wilder & Donald Sutherland played there for years…I knew every word in the script. It had a seperate little room in the back of the theatre for woman with crying kids… you could go in there and still see & hear the movie but other people couldn’t hear you or your kids. Had a blast working there – great first job for a kid – Mr Kirschbaum was the manager before the Englers took over. Another movie that ran there forever was Night of the Living Dead…oh the memories lol.