Comments from Firebaugh_needs_a_theater_again

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Firebaugh_needs_a_theater_again commented about Columbia Theater on Oct 9, 2012 at 2:13 am

Was there another theater at 10th and P?

The former Columbia Theater at 12th and O is still there. You can see it if you navagate to that location in the Overview window. It’s a hardware store now. The only major change visible from the outside is the main entrance which has been moved to the side. The marquis and even the exterior poster display frames are still there.

They showed all the major flics there. Sometimes there’d be a line of people down the sidewalk. And you knew most of them. They used to have matinĂ©es and double features with cartoon shorts between. The screen had two sets of curtains; an outer and an inner semi-transparent curtain which aparently would be worked along with the lights so as to enhance effect of the opening of the main feature.

In the lobby there was sort of a collage of posters from past movies such as “West World” and “Frogs” Last film I remember seeing there was Star Trek IV.

I was sad to see it close. Firebaugh really needs a theater again.