Comments from FungYee

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FungYee commented about Passing of General Cinema Manager Israel (Izzy) Strier on Aug 1, 2006 at 7:31 pm

I remember sitting in his office for endless hours stamping the expiration dates on each ticket of the 50 page VIP booklets. He would take them out of the safe like they were the Hope diamond. He would make you count every tube of drink cups BEFORE you opened them in case there were less than 50 so as to not shortchange his concession inventory.
When he summoned me he would say, “Eh, Y2…” (his nickname for me). General Cinema was my first real job and Izzy set a great example of what hard work was and we often joked that the theatre was his wife (and life).
I was sorry to hear the news (thanks, Kevin for letting me know). RIP, Mr. Strier. You will be missed.