Comments from genky

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genky commented about Teatro del Lago on Mar 20, 2005 at 5:45 pm

There’s nothing wrong with being an authority; in this case, it’s awesome. It’s just that it is rare that someone would actually research the era and come up with those books. And you still live in Wilmette too. Outstanding (I think I’m a little jealous). I agree about the look of the Plaza. Yuck. That Jewell on such hallowed ground, and those cheapo restaurants that sprouted up there in the late 70s when I returned from some years away. BTW, I just talked to someone who returned from Chicago last week and told me it was cold and snowing. Speaking of our mutual interests, I discovered that the City of Chicago has great links to its historic neighborhoods and architecture. I visited Logan Square and other sites around the City. I also discovered, to my delight, that fave restaurants and other gourmet delights, such as Homer’s on Green Bay Road, have websites and that you can overnight their wares! To think that I can order Homer’s homemade chocolate chip ice cream, Gino’s deep dish pizza, and visit Phil Smidt’s in Hammond — can’t wait to order. Stay in touch. Frank.

genky commented about Teatro del Lago on Mar 20, 2005 at 3:05 pm

Sarah, I guess we could go on and on. I had no idea such books existed. Talk about treasures. One day I must get those books. I don’t know what the Breakers Beach Club is or knew that there were two clubs there, the Vista and the Miralago. I only wonder how and why you became such an authority.

genky commented about Teatro del Lago on Mar 20, 2005 at 1:28 pm

Sarah, reading you is like eating a feast of madelines. It’s so great to keep the memories coming. I do remember Leo at the 4th and Linden stop. He always accused me of stealing a Playboy, but I never did. WLS Silver Dollar Survey!!!! We probably picked some up there, but I think that there was a shop “downtown” where I usually got them, though I can’t remember its name. I found a site run by Art Roberts of old WLS and I keep meaning to email him, if the site (and Art) are still kicking. Jim Dunbar from the Golden Days of WLS lived on 9th Street (I believe) just off Lake Street. We used to ask his wife for free demo records that they always had around the house. He’s been out here for decades and was on the radio here on KGO since I got here in 85. He’s retired now, and KGO was not a rock station, but I had always thought of dropping him a line. I don’t remember woods behind the Teatro; that was Chestnut Street and I remember Nancy Ward and Bob Barton, who, like me, went to St. Francis. I remember Twin Mansions on the other side of Chestnut. Rumor was that it was originally designed / occupied by the Amos and Andy radio stars of the 30s when Chicago was home to many classic radio shows. One memory is the house at the northwest corner of Chestnut and 10th Street (?). It was a beautiful Beverly Hills pink. Ah! All of those homes and pools we used to explore. The Vista. Yes, we often explored there, and the big hoods (and their fast women, for us anyway) of West Wilmette and Glenview drank and did whatnot there. I remember seeking blankets in some of the spaces. Lynn Rivera is a fast chick I remember from the Vista. But you said 30s — could it have been a prohibition nightclub? and do you have any leads for anyone who does know its true history? Thanks. Frank

genky commented about Teatro del Lago on Mar 20, 2005 at 11:33 am

I can’t believe there is a thread devoted to one of my most cherished memories. I grew up around 13th and Greenwood and “lived” at “no man’s land” and the Teatro. To read Sarah’s comments about growing up there is heartwarming. I can’t tell you how many weekends and movies I spent and saw there, respectively. The Great Escape, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, the Pink Panther movies — I wish I could remember them all. The place was so cool, dark, and atmospheric, not to mention the sex education we got in the rear rows. But I also remember the culture of no man’s land back then. Sarah’s apartments stand out, so does San Pedro restaurant. Does anyone remember the Vista, those ruins facing the lake? They were destroyed when they put up those apartment buildings there, but I always wanted to know their origin. Rumor was that it was a nightspot run by the mob back in the days of Big Al Capone. I keep meaning to ask the Wilmette Historical Society, a site you should definitely check out. I also remember Peacock’s ice cream across Sheridan Road run by a Greek man who later moved it to downtown Evanston. O how I miss those glorious summers! We lived in a little paradise and didn’t know it. Does anyone remember Paul’s record store? It was run by a man who had a palsied hand and we used to sit in those booths listing to records endlessly. We also used to play touch football on Sundays in that little clearing in Kenilworth at the border. I also remember some garage that fixed foreign cars or something. That entire area is beautiful and I truly miss it. (I have been living in California since ‘85.) I also want to thank everyone on this thread for their contributions. Reading you all has been good for my soul. Thanks again. Frank.