Comments from Giovanni1937

Showing 10 comments

Giovanni1937 commented about Loew's Valencia Theatre on Jul 13, 2007 at 2:19 pm

I realize that is site is for movies only. But, I met a dude, who also went to the Valencia, who stated that during WWII there were anti-aircraft weapons in Baisley Park, Queens…intersection of Rockaway Blvd. and Sutphin Blvd.

Can anyone confirm this? Thanks. [Sorry for the interruption].


Giovanni1937 commented about Loew's Valencia Theatre on May 1, 2006 at 11:49 am

Was this the line up along Jamaica Ave?

Valencia…across the street the RKO Alden…then the Merrick…then the Savoy…then the Jamaica…then the Hillside corner of Jamaica and Sutphin Blvd.

I remember, either at the Savoy or Jamaica, two feature films, serial, comedy movie, news…and live acts!


P.S. Ran into two people this week…one at gym and one at garden supply business…they didn’t know each other…but they said that they had their high school graduation exercises in the Valencia…last one was Jamaica high school [1956?]

Giovanni1937 commented about Loew's Valencia Theatre on May 1, 2006 at 6:57 am

English…yes I did. What I remember most was [1] the bathroom was reached by a huge staircase at the back of the theatre. [2] There was a wide open space in front of the screen where there were no seats and one could lie down and look up at the movie. [3] The huge radiators at the side of the theatre for heat in winter.
It is now a church.
I also remember the smallest candy store right next to the PLAZA.


p.s. Do you remember the MALBOUGH [Spelling?] on Sutphin Blvd. [near FOCH blvd.] between the PLAZA and Baisley Park?

Giovanni1937 commented about Loew's Valencia Theatre on Apr 23, 2006 at 7:26 am

Sorry, Jim.

Oooooops. Got carried away as I was intriqued by stamped Valencia message on dollar bill.

HeMan NoMore

Giovanni1937 commented about Loew's Valencia Theatre on Apr 22, 2006 at 7:24 am

English…one more item! My parents rented the house next door to the house/store that the Callajuries [sp?] owned.
One of my favorite buys in the store was taking 5 cents and picking our a pickle from the huge [4 ft. high] barrel full of pickles.
What school did you attend if not P.S. 160? Did you know of anyone who attended P.S. 160?
Were you there when the Pariettis [sp?] built a competing store right across the street?
I am 69, so our paths may have crossed.

Giovanni1937 commented about Loew's Valencia Theatre on Apr 22, 2006 at 7:15 am

I also played both stick-ball and softball and basketball in the same
school yard. I remember one Sunday the “older” guys [18 +] were playing a softball game and they needed a center fielder to fill in. I was about 12 or 13. If you remember, they could either play with a short left field with a very high fence with a house behind it OR play street to street with a victory garden in left field and a opening in the fence in left where you could go after a fly ball if it were hit over the fence. At any rate, two terrific shots were hit to center field and I gloved both of them over my head! A memory I will never forget.

Giovanni1937 commented about Loew's Valencia Theatre on Apr 20, 2006 at 12:56 pm

…then the question of “why” was it stamped in 2003 and by whom and for what reason? The mystery continues.

Giovanni1937 commented about Loew's Valencia Theatre on Apr 20, 2006 at 9:21 am

No…it is 2003.

Giovanni1937 commented about Loew's Valencia Theatre on Apr 19, 2006 at 6:53 am

EdSolero, thanks for your quick follow-up comments. I am going to try to track down “why” this dollar bill as stamped as it was and how many were so stamped. Wish me luck!

I may visit Taberncle of Prayer Church and give them the dollar bill…maybe framed.


Giovanni1937 commented about Loew's Valencia Theatre on Apr 18, 2006 at 1:19 pm

Wow…what memories! At age 69, it seems as if it were only yesterday that I gazed at the gold fish in the pond in the lobby…the blinking stars…the moving clouds.

I didn’t know this web-site existed…but when I received a dollar bill for change, it had the following words stamped on the back I googled “Valencia” and got the web-site.

1929 – LOEW’S – 1977

P.S. Did any of you attend P.S. 160 on Inwood Street in 1949?