Comments from jedifunk

Showing 4 comments

jedifunk commented about AMC Rockaway Inner 6/Outer 6 on Nov 15, 2006 at 2:15 pm

I’ll be there Sat or Sun!!

jedifunk commented about AMC Rockaway Inner 6/Outer 6 on Sep 9, 2006 at 8:00 am

Thanks for the update JJD. Could you forward that AMC contact info? I bet their “Planning Dept” would love to have more suggestions to support this issue. Every time I go to a premiere at Jersey Gardens, the digital screen line is always much, much bigger than the regular screens. Don’t they see this? And they wonder why the attendance is down overall. Why spend that money, wait in line, suffer through commercial for something paid for, sit in dirty seats, watch a fuzzy screen and hear lousy sound…when most of the people who fill those seats can watch it with a better picture and sound at home?!!? Forget about us guys with THX sound and HDTV at home. When I hit that mega million, I’ll build a 100% digital theater where Peter & Steven will want to premiere their movies at my place!

jedifunk commented about AMC Rockaway Inner 6/Outer 6 on Sep 1, 2006 at 5:48 pm

I e-mailed the reporter from the daily record article..
I asked if during his contact with the AMC rep if digital projectors were mentioned, and if not, to send me a contact e-mail or address so I could ask directly.
All I got was a read receipt and no response…very rude.

jedifunk commented about AMC Rockaway Inner 6/Outer 6 on Jun 13, 2006 at 2:41 pm

My wife works in the new section of the mall near the new theater, and her manager said it should be opening in the Fall sometime. If the project started on time they would of had a great opening with Superman and Pirates.
I hope they are smart enough to put in some digital projectors. The trek to Edgewater or Jersey Gardens is a pain.