Comments from JMLJ

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JMLJ commented about Elmwood Theatre on Sep 26, 2021 at 12:15 pm

@rudi yes! As well as the vomit bags for Mark of the Devil.

JMLJ commented about Cinerama Theatre on Feb 24, 2009 at 9:23 am

Nick, you probably saw me raising hell in the theater when I was a kid! LOL. Hope I wasn’t too much of a brat. Anyway, my father always spoke highly of the people that worked for him then. He has since passed away (in 1985). Thanks for the Star Wars link. All the best.

JMLJ commented about Elmwood Theatre on Jan 26, 2008 at 4:09 pm

My recollection is that it was a curved screen. Many memories in this theatre for me. My dad, Larry Johnson, managed it for several years in late 60’s early 70’s. He also opened a printing company in one of the storefronts to primarily print the infamous vomit bags for Mark of the Devil.

One funny anecdote of my childhood from the Elmwood is the time I decided to get up and dance for the audience while the movie was playing. My older sister chased me trying to get me to stop. The whole audience was roaring with laughter. My father looked out from his office to see why the audience was laughing at the “serious” movie that was playing (the office overlooked the theatre from the front of the building). Fortunately, I don’t remember the consequences!

JMLJ commented about East Providence Cinemas on Jan 26, 2008 at 4:02 pm

My father (Larry Johnson) managed the Four Seasons throughout most of the mid 70’s into early 80’s when it went to a second-run house. By then it had four screens, all decent size. The exterior looked far better than it does today. I’ll see if I have photos. In late 70’s they split 3 screens in half and added a game room. In my opinion that was the end of it being a decent place.

My dad also created much of the newspaper advertising for this and related Rhode Island theaters and drive-ins throughout the 70’s (including the one posted earlier here by Gerald DeLuca (do we know each other?).

JMLJ commented about Gilbert Stuart Theatre on Jan 26, 2008 at 3:36 pm

I saw first run of Jaws here.

Before the warehouse/garage it now seems to be it was a church of some kind for awhile.

Joe Jarvis also went on to manage the Four Seasons Cinema when it was a first run theatre.

JMLJ commented about Cinerama Theatre on Jan 26, 2008 at 2:56 pm

Hi all,
(Like Jackie O’s post…) My love for movies started when I was very young as my father, Larry Johnson, was the manager of the Cinerama Theatre in the early sixties. I watched many Cinerama movies from the front row. The one that has the most lasting memory for me is Grand Prix (starring the young James Garner). I still remember the opening credits with the screen splitting into multiple images, and the amazing racing scenes on the super wide projection.

I have some pictures of those days I can post (have to dig them out of the basement). Perhaps people may recognize their own father in the pictures. I had books from all the big Cinerama movies (including This is Cinerama) that were unfortunately damaged by water.

My Dad moved on to other theatres throughout Rhode Island over the years, but Cinerama was the grandest of them all. It pains me to drive by there now and see that CVS.

I’ll post pics if when I find them.