Comments from joeybagodonuts

Showing 2 comments

joeybagodonuts commented about Mid-Island Triplex on Jun 21, 2010 at 12:04 pm

TLSLOEWS: The front was originally all-glass, but they changed it to that ugly black when they built the strip mall attached to it on the left (there was originally a free-standing supermarket in that general area).

Joe V: I believe the triplexing was done in the late 80s, early 90’s. IIRC, they just put up 2 walls running the length of the theatre (from front to back), so you ended up with 3 skinny theatres.

(that just jogged my memory of when the left section of the original theatre was the “smoking” section…those were the days :–)

joeybagodonuts commented about Mid-Island Triplex on Apr 14, 2010 at 2:17 pm

I used to go to this theatre all the time, having lived within walking distance. I remember when they had Sensaround (sp?) installed in the ‘70s for Earthquake. I think they only showed one additional movie with that technology (Rollercoaster). For that one they had the entire glass front painted up to look like a big rollercoaster.
In the 80’s, when the VCR became popular, they opened up a video store in the lobby. I remember my friend paying something like $50 or $60 for a lifetime membership.