Comments from JTDaniels

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JTDaniels commented about Palace Theatre on Nov 22, 2013 at 4:36 pm

I’m very interested in contacting WoodyinNYC and Joe Vogel, as my family owns the Palace Theatre and the Nolte House in Seguin that is reffered to above, and I’m keen on learning more about the history of both. I am especially interested in trying to verify that J. Riley Gordon was the architect of my home. I have always been told this by another local architect, and I suspected it anyway from other things I’d read and learned about the house and about Gordon. The family oral history says Gordon did it, and it makes sense as he designed the Nolte Bank (before it was ruined with a “new” redesign). I have found 4 boxes of materials at the Institute of Texan Cultures UTSA archives in SA on Eugene Nolte (and this house) that you may all find interesting. Have either of you seen the photo “in the collected papers of J. Riely Gordon at the University of Texas library, so I’m saying he dunnit.]” If I could find that photo among his papers, it would help a great deal. Yes, I too am saying Gordon “dunnit,” but I need proof as I try to research a historical marker for this house. As for the Palace, the Noltes/Starckes owned a theatre on the same site) during the silent era, and it was refurbished/rebuilt (as family oral history says) to the Palace which opened in the 1930s. I have photos of the building after the explosion in the 1940s and before/after photos of the theatre. I’m very interested in the history of the Palace in Seguin and would like to learn more about the Nolte/Starke’s theatre on the site, too. I’m not sure how we can share contact information except to say to call the Seguin Theatres number 830/379-2428 and leave me a message. Thank you.