Comments from Lonestar76

Showing 2 comments

Lonestar76 commented about Stevens Theater on Dec 26, 2013 at 5:32 pm

Thanks for the reply. Did you know Avila well? I am trying to find out a bit more about him and who he might have known in the early 1960’s but also after that. For example, what happened to him after the theater closed down. Do you know if he is still alive today? Many thanks.

Lonestar76 commented about Stevens Theater on Dec 26, 2013 at 3:56 pm

Great tp find this thread about the Stevens Theater. I am a researcher from the UK and am interested in the history of the theater and Manuel Avila who used to run it. Is there any way to contact members off forum? I had wanted to ask some questions to those of you like Jamestv who worked there and might have some information. I can’t seem to work out how to do this so will ask right here if that is ok. Do any of you have any further information on Manuel Avila? I am specifically interested in the early 1960’s period. I read that he worked at the theater until the mid 1980’s so was he there when you worked there Jamestv? I would be grateful for any information you can give me. I would post my email address for further contact but don’t know if it is allowed and I don’t want to get spammed. Thanks in advance!