Comments from LYNNMICHALI

Showing 1 - 25 of 27 comments

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Apr 21, 2008 at 2:45 am

I guess we are guilty of talking about Englewood more than the Southtown.
I was in Detroit a few years ago and saw how they refurbished the old Fox theatre. The Southtown was a much more elegant palace. It would be the gem of the midwest, if it were still standing.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Apr 7, 2008 at 10:00 am

patties50 and all
I went to Lewis Champlain in the first grade and then transferred to St. Martin’s school on 59th and Princeton. I was told that they tore Lewis Champlain down to make way for the new Englewood High School and track, etc.
Between 60th st and 60th pl. there were two grey apartment buildings. On the basement level there were businesses, barber shop, grocery store, maybe a cleaners. These buildings were torn down, due to fire.
I would love to see a picture of the outside of Covenant Baptist Church. I haven’t been able to find one.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Englewood Theatre on Mar 25, 2008 at 8:08 am

As I mentioned before, the firehouse is still there. The college has plans to open it up as a restaurant, as part of their cuilinary program. Our Lady of Solace is still there too, but I think they changed the name to something else.

My church wasn’t so lucky. It was torn down to make way for one of the may curving streets that led to nowhere. Many people lost their homes to “urban renewal” and the community lost a large portion of it’s good citizens.

You’re so right about the westerns! When we were coming up, they were everywhere, books, magazines, serials, and full-length movies.
My older sister and my father called them “shoot ‘em ups” and all three of us were fans.

I also agree with you about Kelly Library. The new libraries being built are really nice, but even with renovations, Kelly Library is still awesome and makes you want to lower your voice when you step inside.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Englewood Theatre on Mar 15, 2008 at 1:31 am

It’s not really dangerious where I live. Most of the residents are more struggling, poor people than they are criminals. As a matter of fact, the criminals are people from other places…anyway, enough of that.
Wow! You really have lived in a few places in Englewood. The only time I remember going west of Halsted was to church. I went to Bethel Lutheran Church on Sangamon, not too far from the firehouse.

I loved Kelly Library. My father would take me there every two weeks to pick our three books. I also remember going to some programs there once or twice on Saturdays(puppet shows, book readings). There were so many wholesome things for kids to do when they weren’t in school. Unfortunenately, things have changed so much. A hardworking man/woman can’t afford to put their children in programs like the ones that were free for us or only costs a small amount.

Someone told me recenly that a restaurant by the airport (Midway)has a map of the old Chicago neighborhoods hanging on the wall at the entrance. I plan to go over there one day for lunch and check it out. I’ll let you know what I find.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Englewood Theatre on Mar 4, 2008 at 10:55 pm


I have been trying to tell people that what they call Englewood now is wrong. They go too far south and too far west, all the way to Western. Do you remember what they used to call the neighborhood west of ASHLAND?
I live on Normal Blvd (between Halsted and Princeton)up the street from the Kelly Library on 62nd and Normal. There are white people also living on Englewood Ave, Parnell, and Eggleston. There’s also a white couple and their children living on Garfield, just east of Halsted. You meet people at the alserman’s community meetings. There are also Hispanic people living in Englewood. We all get along just fine.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Mar 4, 2008 at 10:37 pm

`Gerry C (and everyone else)

Where the Southtown stood there are several buildings. From west to east, six new storefronts, Walgreen’s and a supermarket. Those people at the Post Office were probably too young to remember the theater or Carr’s. That supermarket has been there for a long time.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Mar 4, 2008 at 10:21 pm

Where the wonderful shopping center once was they are building a new City College. There are already classes in session. On the corner of 63rd & Halsted, where Sears once stood, they have built the studio for the WYCC PBS tv station (channel 20), There have been over a hundred new homes built and dozens of new businesses have opened. Of course, we both know that the neighborhood we grew up in is gone forever.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Feb 23, 2008 at 12:30 pm

The trouble with growing up in a neighborhood like Englewood is that you find yourself always looking for something like it. I moved back to Englewood because after decades and decades, my family still had property there. Believe it or not, there is one thing about Englewood that has not changed, there are still good people there. I know it does not and never will look the same, but there are people there with good hearts. You can find neighbors that still care about each other. There are still young men that will shovel an old lady’s snow, whether she can pay him or not. It works the same way with the grass in the summer.

I had been living in the south section of the new loop for a while. They seem to be trying to similate an old Chicago neighborhood, but the caring part is missing.

Oh, I left a message on one of the other theater pages, there are people of European descent in Englewood.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Englewood Theatre on Feb 23, 2008 at 12:16 pm

On the contrary, there are many Irish, German, Italian people happily living in Englewood, like at my house for instance!

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Feb 18, 2008 at 7:28 am

You didn’t live too far from us just on 61st and Green. That put you a little closer to 63&Halsted. I loved going up there to have lunch, shop or go to the movies. It was great. So you went to Leo. I knew several boys that went there. It was on 78th not too far from Halsted, right? Speaking of Halsted, have you seen 63rd and Halsted lately? If it weren’t for the bank building I don’t think I could recognize it. Chicago City Colleges is building the new Kennedy-King College there. On the corner where Sears Roebuck was there’s a studio for WYCC, the PBS station that broadcasts on channel 20. It’s all quite different.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Jan 27, 2008 at 8:21 pm

Nice to see someone new on the site. I grew up on normal blvd down the street from kelly library. What school did you go to? Did you graduate from Englewood High?

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Jul 19, 2007 at 5:08 pm

Chuckie Z
I had to go see for myself. The top of my old church really looked odd without the statue. I wonder what they did with it!

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Jul 14, 2007 at 11:26 pm

I just went across 59th Street two days ago. I remarked to my husband that there was a parking lot where my grade school once stood. I also noticed that the church now has a different name from before, but I did not notice that the statue was gone. Such a pity.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Roosevelt Theater on Mar 13, 2007 at 1:00 am

Yes, you are right. The Roosebelt was in the ABC chain and I also buying Plitt Theater tickets and using them there.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Feb 22, 2007 at 7:32 pm


I will check out your Mom’s diary. She lived down the street from where I used to live.


LYNNMICHALI commented about Evergreen Theater on Dec 16, 2006 at 9:52 pm

I loved the Evergreen. It was so easy to get to. Just go right down Western and there it was. The last movie I saw there was Gandhi. I miss it. Chicago Ridge theaters are quite a bit farther.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Dec 16, 2006 at 9:06 pm

St. Cecelia’s was on 45th and Wells. It’s too bad you never went inside, it was glorious. I remember the other churches you mentioned, except St. George. Where was that located?
I’m glad I finally found someone else who remembers the dairy. I was begining to think I had the wrong location.
The Michigan Theater was on Garfield and Michigan. I remember it having a nice marquee. I only went inside once. My brother took me there to see a werewolf movie that scared the stuffing out of me. I remember the theatre being more on the order of the Englewood or maybe the Empress. It was nice, but there was nothing spectacular about the lobby. There was another theatre on Garfield, further east (near Calumet). I remember the building, but I think it was an old vaudeville house that was shut down decades before it was razed.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Dec 11, 2006 at 6:23 pm

Thanks for all of the info on St. Martin’s organ. It was a magnificient one. The people who bought the church changed it a lot, but there are still many of the beautiful stained glass windows left. The last time I went by the church the golden horse was still on top, but I have not been by there lately. I’ll have to go look.

I used to hear my Mom say it’s wonderful to get older, but there are some drawbacks. One of the drawbacks is finding someone to help you remember something you may have forgotten. I don’t know if you are familiar with any other churches that were near our old neighborhood. My older sister took me to mass at a Catholic Church that had a magnificent glass dome. I was very little, not even in school yet. I think it was on 43 or 45th. I also want to think it was called St. Cecelia. I remember that St. Ann’s was on 55th and Wentworth. This church wasn’t very far away. Let me know if you have heard of this church. Do you remember the dairy that was down the street from St. Ann’s? The Michigan Theatre? The train station on 63rd Street?
I’ve got my thinking cap on.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Nov 29, 2006 at 10:16 pm

GoodlanderGirl and GerryC-
Hello! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. My computer did a swan dive and it took us forever to decide what we wanted and actually purchase a new system. It was great reading your comments.
GoodlanderGirl, I don’t remember the teacher you mentioned by name. I do remember a couple of real old teacher though. My kindergarten teacher was named Miss or Mrs. Cordell, at least that’s what one of my best friends says. I remember the teacher’s face, but not her name. What I remember most about Wieboldt’s is getting my Red Goose shoes and the big goose egg they would give you as a treat. My big sister would take me to Walgreen’s for ice cream sundaes. She would remember all of this better than I, but she passed away some time ago. I really did enjoy our old neighborhood. I went to church at Bethel on Peoria. I remember how we would go to the A&P to get treats between Church and Sunday school.

Gerry, St. Martin’s church is still there. It was purchased a few years back by another church. They refurbished the church, but the school, the buildings behind the school and the convent were all torn down. There is a parking lot where the school once was and just a fenced in lawn where the convent once was. I did manage to get a peak inside the church. It’s beautiful structure could never be changed, but it looks nothing like the German cathedral it was patterned after. Thanks for the name of the restaurant. It seems you lived on the same block as I did at one time. When you lived on Normal, did you live in the brick house one from the corner with the driveway or the Victorian on the corner at 60th? I lived at 5938.
I hope to hear from both of you soon. Lynn

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Oct 26, 2006 at 7:16 pm

I lived on Normal Blvd. up the street from Kelly Library. It’s great to hear someone else talk about the old neighborhood. The city is trying to revitalize Englewood now. They have built over 100 new houses mimicking the old style. Where the shopping district at 63rd and Halsted once was, they are now building a college. I too went to Lewis-Champlin school. As a matter of fact I have been trying to find a picture of it to show to my husband. He grew up in Iowa and knows little about old Chicago neighborhoods like Englewood. When I tell him about walking up to 63rd with my girlfriends to shop at Sears and Wieboldts or about having lunch at Walgreen’s he looks at me in disbelief. Do you remember the name of the restaurant at 63rd and Normal? He loves old movie houses, so when I told him about the Southtown, he felt cheated. I took all of that for granted, but now you have to own a million dollar house in Lincoln Park to even come close to it!

LYNNMICHALI commented about Englewood Theatre on Aug 26, 2006 at 9:32 pm

I spent many hours sitting in the dark at the Englewood watching movies. It was great. I could walk to it from my house on 59th. I miss the neighborhood, the way it used to be. I would love to see a marquee of the Englewood from the old days. If anyone knows where I can get one, please let me know.

Recently I was on 63rd & Halsted, or rather as close as you can get to it now. They are building the college there now, so most of the streets are blocked off. It all looked so strange … no more SEARS, Wieboldts, etc. If the bank building wasn’t there, the intersection could have been anywhere.

I just heard they are closing Carson’s on State St. downtown. Add that to Marshall Field’s becoming a Macy’s store and pretty soon State Street will be almost hard to recognize as 63rd & Halsted is now.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Roosevelt Theater on Aug 26, 2006 at 9:22 pm


LYNNMICHALI commented about Roosevelt Theater on Aug 25, 2006 at 11:26 pm

Thanks for the info!

LYNNMICHALI commented about Roosevelt Theater on Aug 25, 2006 at 3:18 pm

I was looking at photos of the Roosevelt yesterday and my husband, who comes from Iowa, asked me what else was on the block with the theatre before they razed it. Does anyone remember what was there in the late 60’s or do you know where I can go to find out. I should remember, but I don’t.

LYNNMICHALI commented about Southtown Theatre on Aug 25, 2006 at 3:08 pm