Comments from PeterB

Showing 2 comments

PeterB commented about Tiffin Theatre on Dec 13, 2004 at 11:07 am

Jayne2, in the late ‘50s, I remember seeing a live stage show at the Grand before the movie. I think it was someone named Atomic Bob or something like that. He was dressed like a pig and he acted out a story with the moral of you can clean up a pig but he’ll still play in the mud. The owner would walk around and talk to the kids and have them sit on his lap. Creepy today, but OK then. We would watch a double feature matinee over and over again until about 5 in the afternoon. We lived about 3 blocks away on Homan and Beach. I remember that the screen was in tatters from the flying popcorn boxes. I don’t remember much about the architecture.

PeterB commented about Tiffin Theatre on Dec 4, 2004 at 6:13 pm

Hi JBCDC, I was 10 years old in 1960. Every Saturday morning my six year old brother, my friend Ernie, and me would walk the mile from Homan Ave. to the Tiffin, taking in all the sights along the way…hobby shop, toy store, photo shop, restaurants, etc. We could have gone to the Grand, but we could go there any time. Going to the Tiffin was an adventure we looked forward to all week. We saw every horror movie that was made in those years until we moved in 1962. The Saturday morning Tiffin adventures were a huge part of my childhood.