Comments from places2go

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places2go commented about Fox Theatre on Mar 6, 2005 at 12:31 pm

PSRob, I was at home that night with the radio on and my Sony 300 recording every note of that final broadcast. My stereo was blasting and my neighbors were very forgiving as it was in the middle of the night. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. I still have the tape, but no longer have a machine to play it on. I was only a very young teenager but James Gabbard and Gary Gilow (sp?) on KPEN turned me on to something I’ll never forget. I was there at those midnight concerts. My parents took me, bless them. They probably thought I was crazy, but we had a great time. I remember the dust falling from the ceiling when George Wright let loose with those 32 foot long pipes that were so low a pitch you couldn’t here them, you could only feel them. Awesome! Later, a friend and I climbed all through the theater as they were tearing it down. We rode the train into the city as we were too young to drive. We took pictures and pieces of the wreckage. I have a piece of marble on my desk at this moment that I pulled out of that wreckage. I also have the James and Nourse recordings. I bought them new at the time and still have them along with many Geo. Wright records. Sad. Very sad.