Comments from Ramajama888

Showing 2 comments

Ramajama888 commented about Gage Park Theater on Jan 29, 2013 at 10:13 pm

My grandfather owned it, or operated a theater there in the 30’s. It was called the Gaelic at that time.

Ramajama888 commented about Acadia Theatre on Jan 29, 2013 at 10:11 pm

My grandfather built this theater and operated it until his death in 1947. It was sold, apparently operated until 1959 based on the comments prior, then the back (east) stage area was demolished and the building converted to three storefronts. The two one-bedroom apartments remained, as did much of the theater above the false ceilings of the stores. When Park Federal acquired the property in the early 90"s, my father, who was an usher in the 30’s and 40’s, went through the old ushers' dressing room. The projection room and balcony had been removed, but the vaulted ceiling and some decorative plaster work remained. I took pictures as it was demolished and have some old family photos of the building, ushers and the street. I will post them as I have the opportunity.

Grandpa also owned a theater at about 2426 W. 51st St. calle the Gaelic. That building is there as a tire store. I have not gone in there recently.