Comments from RandyofAFTimes

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RandyofAFTimes commented about South Shore Plaza Twin Drive-In on Mar 1, 2011 at 8:45 am

This drive-in was a staple of my early youth.
In the mid 70’s, I saw The Poseidon Adventure though I fell asleep. Saw Star Wars during initial run in ‘77 and a year later (remember seeing the classic “D” poster in the concession stand). I saw ALIEN there in 1979; my dad worked as a security guard at an office building next door and saw the Chestburster scene half a dozen times before seeing the full film! Mad Max played there in 1979/80, according to an ad I remember seeing in a local paper.
I do remember vividly being able to see one of the screens from 128.

Every time I’ve used the Logan Shuttle, I’m sad to see that it’ll never come back again.

RandyofAFTimes commented about Standish Plaza Cinemas on Mar 1, 2011 at 7:50 am

I spent my summers growing up in nearby Manomet and saw many films there. I saw Star Wars for the first time (of many) here, in July 1977, when it was a two screen theater.
Off the top of my head, I know I saw the following films during my years growing up here: The Empire Strikes Back, Cujo, Wargames, Octopussy, Back To The Future, Mad Max-Beyond Thunderdome, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Die Hard and The Dead Pool.
I also worked for one day as a projectionist-trainee in the early Summer 1987 when they were showing Dragnet. They had a platter system.