Comments from ronluck707

Showing 3 comments

ronluck707 commented about Dowling Theatre on Mar 19, 2013 at 9:07 pm

The Dowling theater was destroyed by a homeless teenage arsonist about 1962-1964. I also want to use 1960 -1964. This statement i stand on and is correct. the guy was apprehended, photoed in the chronical or maybe the Houston Post at the time. My vague memory is thinking he was living inside the theater after closing and was discovered. A statement by the arsonist at best i can remember to news paper was that he was homeless and had no place to stay. he became revenguful and set theater on fire. Also my vague memory is telling me we went to same school Dodson elementry. Just for record i reside at the end Gray street and railroad tracks across from Dodson elementry.

ronluck707 commented about Dowling Theatre on Mar 11, 2013 at 2:22 pm

The Dowling theater did have a upstairs balcony and also the theater was destroyed by teenage arsonist.

ronluck707 commented about Dowling Theatre on Nov 25, 2012 at 2:27 pm

The theater was destory by fire. My best guest about 1962-1964. the person was a homeless teenager that started the fire. i think he was a teen from third ward at best what i can remember. He was apprended and photo in local news paper.