Comments from Shoshana

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Shoshana commented about Loew's Oriental Theatre on Jul 6, 2005 at 9:39 pm

Until I was 6, we lived above my grandparent’s candy store on 15th Ave and 86th Street. We used to go to the Oriental all the time. It was a scary place for a little girl. My grandfather would keep the store open late as the people walking home from the theatre would stop in and get the night edition of the Mirror or the Daily News. In 1957,my parents bought a house in Sheepshead Bay. There were many fine theatres in that area – the Sheepshead, and a bit further north – the Avalon, Kingsway, Mayfair and the Elm on Ave M.
When I got older my husband and I used to go to the Oriental on Christmas Eve. It was a tradition for us. (We are Jewish and did not celebrate the holiday.) It was a great place to see a blockbuster movie such as the Godfather without waiting on a long line.
The last time we did that was on December 24, 1979. On December 24, 1980, our first daughter was born. Our Christmas Eve tradition ended.
A few years after that we moved to California. i will never forget the Oriental.