Comments from Snowball

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Snowball commented about Terminal Theatre on Jan 28, 2010 at 9:06 pm


My Dad, Ed, sold the Cleanerette around 1962. Since Joe was 13 that year I think he must have worked for a successor.
I was a pinners “champ”. I can’t imagine how many hours I spent in the “pinners room” at Volta. Every now and then, one of the older guys would climb the wall in the pinners room and retrieve all the pinkys that wound up on the roof of the garage. He would sell the balls for 5-10c, depending on condition. It was too exciting to get a brand new pinky for a nickel.
Did you go to Haugan or Hibbard?


Snowball commented about Terminal Theatre on Jan 28, 2010 at 7:55 am


Yea, softball was big. Remember what we called “doubles and homers” (or lineball)? Everything hit beyond a line and not caught was a double. Everything hit beyond the outfielder was a homer. Everything short of the line or caught was an out. It was usually played in the schoolyard by two man teams. We played it constantly at Volta but I didn’t see it much at Haugan.

I was very small when my father owned Cleanerette so I don’t even remember Glick’s. If Joe worked there he is older than I (born 1950)and I don’t remember him either.

The Funny Fellows….funny and great name for a club (a social athletic club, no less).


Snowball commented about Terminal Theatre on Jan 27, 2010 at 8:03 am


Since you’re a Rough Rider 67, and had my family stayed in Albany Park, I would have been too, it’s likely we crossed paths. I remember Rosenbloom’s but not Ceshinsky’s.

Were you in a club? I was an Original though I had many friends in the Vampires and Torpedoes.

My father would often take lunch at Cooper’s. I’m sure I had hamburgers but I realy remember Bismarks, and TPRs (toasted pecan rolls).

I knew of Maury’s death from reading his obituary in the Chicago papers. It was heart warming to read of the outpouring of affection. He was really a great guy. There were so many times, before going home from Jensen park or the Max Strauss Center when I stopped at Maury’s for a bag of fries.

Thanks for passing on your memories and the links you provided


Snowball commented about Terminal Theatre on Dec 25, 2009 at 8:59 pm

I remember the Terminal well. I loved Jackeye’s recollection of Karmelkorn because I’d forgotten it.
My father owned “The Cleaneratte” on Lawrence and St.Louis. We had a Coca Cola machine in the window and in the summer many people would drop a dime into the machine, slide the BOTTLE to the end of the row, pull out their Coke, and open it in the bottle opener. I got to play with the bottle caps! Nearby were Zahn’s, Harriet’s Variety, Wallen & Levy’s Furniture, and a Jewish book store (I can’t recall the name). I also remember Cooper’s, very near the Terminal.
I went to Hibbard, and Volta. We lived at 4904 N Hamlin. I ate at least a hotdog a week at Lerner’s, Mutt & jeff’s, or the shrine of Albany Park, Maury’s.
I suppose everyone has a fondness for where they grew up but it feels like that was a special place.
