Comments from superpollo

Showing 3 comments

superpollo commented about Teatro Paris on Dec 4, 2015 at 8:20 am

It is architectural protected building Caracas city council. It is under rescue&renovation. designed by Arch Antonio Fuenmayor Sotillo RPI ´43 Troy NY USA this has been certified checking the blue print signad % CIV 938 professional collegation number. It is hapen sometimes there are many problems researching in VNZLA

superpollo commented about Teatro El Pinar on Dec 4, 2015 at 8:06 am

Architect Antonio Fuenmayor Sotillo RPI´43 Troy NY USA

superpollo commented about Teatro Las Palmas on Dec 4, 2015 at 8:02 am

Teatro Las Palmas Architect incorrect. Where did you get the information. Blue print signed by who? In Venezuela is necessary a professional number CIV collegation. I must check and find the real designer. Sincerely yours Antonio Fuenmayor Mayorca Arch UCV´74 MRP Cornell ´81 Retired professor UCV