Comments from Toenee102

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Toenee102 commented about Happy Hour Theatre on Jan 1, 2006 at 4:35 am

The Happy Hour Theater.

I could remember every Friday night my mother would take us to the happy hour. I could remember for ten cent you get to see several cartoons then the coming attractions plus two movies all for ten cent. After the movie was over they gave out dishes or glasses to the people in the theater on the way out. Charley the owner of the movie would be at the doors collecting tickets in one hand and a cigar in his other hand. There were five of us two boys and three girls of which my mother manage to take all of us to the movie. At that time they were showing a lot of Tony Curtis movies, Abbott and Costello and war movies. We were poor and couldn’t afford to buy candy but my mother manages to bring in sandwiches. Charley the owner had two cats in the theater of which he own and they would smell the meatball sandwiches my mother made for us. They would be crying to have a taste of the meatball. Yes, those were the day when ten cent meant a lot you be lucky to buy gum for that now. The happy hour will always be in my mind and heart until I die,