Comments from tricky5500

Showing 4 comments

tricky5500 commented about Fox Theatre on Aug 16, 2007 at 8:09 pm

I just got back from the Fox presentation of Spiderman 3. Seeing it at the Fox made this mediocre movie truly spectacular! I’m guessing there were about 3000 people there. It is truly something to hear the “Mighty Mo” organ followed by the pristine digital projection of the movie on the giant screen. I am so glad the people of Atlanta still appreciate the Fox as a movie theater. At $7 a ticket its the best entertainment deal in town.

tricky5500 commented about Movies 4x sharper than High-Def? on Aug 5, 2007 at 8:04 pm

Sorry I haven’t looked at this thread in awhile. What I was trying to say is if they are correct in advertising that their projection is DLP then it must be 2k. Yes, there is a 4k projector being sold by Sony but it does not use DLP technology which Texas Instruments has the patent on and only TI can make DLP chips. The Sony projector uses a different technology. It is Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCOS). TI is expected to release a 4K DLP chip in the next few months and we can then expect to see Christie and Barco and other digital cinema projector companies introduce 4k DLP projectors.

I read the same thing about the Muvico theaters. The way I read the press release was that every auditorium in the complex will have the Sony 4K projectors installed which will be a first for the industry. Hopefully it will start a trend toward 4K installations.

tricky5500 commented about Movies 4x sharper than High-Def? on Jun 20, 2007 at 2:03 pm

There are no 4K DLPs being sold today. TI is not making a 4K DLP chip yet but I’m sure they are not far off. The Sony 4K projector uses their SXRD chips which is Sony speak for LCOS.
I personally think the industry is shooting itself in the foot by installing so many 2K projectors. What’s the point of going to the theater if the resolution is almost the same as what I get on my 1080p display at home?

tricky5500 commented about Plaza Theatre on Jun 17, 2007 at 5:01 am

In addition to their regular movie line-up. A local group is now putting on a show called “The Silver Screen Spook Show” at the Plaza. It consists of an onstage live action pre-show hosted by “Dr. Morte” and his ghouls followed by a classic horror movie presentation. It is once a month on Saturdays they do a show at 1:00 pm for Kids and one at 10:00 PM for adults. In April they showed “The Creature from the Black Lagoon” in 3D! I went to the 10:00 pm showing and it was packed. They were sold out. I think they had to turn people away. They skipped the May show to put on an even bigger event at the Starlight drive-in. Its lots of fun and great to see these old movies on the big screen. At the end of June they are back at the Plaza. Here’s the link to their myspace page:

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