Comments from VickieFeldman

Showing 2 comments

VickieFeldman commented about Theater Naming Issue on Sep 20, 2005 at 4:49 pm

Just as a follow-up, I agree that naming the auditorium or lounges after Clear Channel personnel, etc. might be a good compromise, although, if the truth be told, I’d prefer that these areas, too, be named rather for prominent Philadelphians. To me, anyway, this would be more appropriate. Restoring the theatre is about restoring the past grandeur of our city, so it would seem that those people who made important lifetime contributions to Philadelphia movie theaters should have THEIR names grace the auditorium, lounges, etc. of the Boyd. What about Irv Glazer, without whom many photographs and records of the Boyd, the Mastbaum, and other lovely Philadelphia movie palaces would have been lost forever? Why not name the auditorium after him??? What has happened to the tradition of honoring those who have made a city great, rather than just honoring strangers who — while their money is certainly needed — have no particular affection for Philadelphia? It’s wonderful that Clear Channel has agreed to put time and money into this project — thank God the theater will be saved — but, let’s not kid ourselves — Clear Channel is in it because the company feels that it can make a profit. They would gain more respect — and possibly attract more customers — if they kept in mind that this theater needs to appeal to Philadelphians, and that retaining REAL Philadelphia names and history will help to cultivate that appeal. One more thought — why not name part of the Boyd’s interior after Howard Haas? He, more than anyone, has fought tooth and nail to prevent the Boyd from being demolished, and he is still working very hard towards a historic restoration of the theater. What about THAT idea, Clear Channel????

VickieFeldman commented about Theater Naming Issue on Sep 19, 2005 at 8:56 am

My husband and I agree very strongly with Mr. Haas that the Boyd Theatre should REMAIN the Boyd Theatre. This is a Philadelphia landmark, and as such, the theatre should have a name with a real Philadelphia background. To do any less would be to cheapen to undermine any attempt at a truly historic restoration of this Art Deco architectural gem.

Thank you.

Vickie Feldman & Brian Gerstel