Balwyn Cinema

231 Whitehorse Road,
Melbourne, VIC 3103

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JohnHolloway on April 27, 2010 at 6:02 am

When opened in January 1930, the Public Health department identified 22 building breaches. When the owners refused to comply with Health Department demands, the theatre was closed on 6 November 1931, and the owners went into liquidation. Balwyn theatre remained closed until the following April 1932.
Originally the circle was accessed directly from a staircase leading from the stalls foyer. In 1941 major alterations saw the construction of a mezzanine circle foyer and the addition of 2 more toilet blocks.

JohnHolloway on September 18, 2008 at 8:23 am

Palace Cinemas has now invested in digital 3-D projection at both Balwyn and Dendy Brighton cinemas.Initial presentations will be “Journey To The Centre Of The Earth” starring Brendan Fraser.