Romanesque Revival Movie Theaters
Showing 1 - 30 of 60 closed movie theaters
Name | ↑ Location | Status | Screens |
Orpheum Theatre | Akron, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |
Opera House | Arcanum, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |
Academy of Music | Baltimore, MD, United States | Closed | 1 |
Riviera Theatre | Binghamton, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Shea's Criterion Theatre | Buffalo, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Teck Theatre | Buffalo, NY, United States | Closed | 1 |
Capitol Theatre | Canton, IL, United States | Closed | 1 |
Hetrick Theater | Chanute, KS, United States | Closed | 1 |
Burlew Opera House | Charleston, WV, United States | Closed | 1 |
Victoria Public Hall | Chennai, India | Closed | 1 |
Marlowe Theatre | Chicago, IL, United States | Closed | 1 |
Vogue Theatre | Chicago, IL, United States | Closed | 1 |
Walnut Street Theatre | Cincinnati, OH, United States | Closed | 1 |
Gem Theatre | Denver, CO, United States | Closed | 1 |
State Theater | Dinuba, CA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Winthrop Hall Theatre | Dorchester, MA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Strand Cinema | Douglas, Isle of Man | Closed | 1 |
Whitworth Hall | Drogheda, Ireland | Closed | 1 |
Lyceum Theatre | Duluth, MN, United States | Closed | 1 |
Kiva Theatre | Durango, CO, United States | Closed | 1 |
Town Hall | East Providence, RI, United States | Closed | 1 |
Grand Theatre | Evansville, IN, United States | Closed | 1 |
Opera House | Fredericton, Canada | Closed | 1 |
Grand Theatre | Great Falls, MT, United States | Closed | 1 |
Electric Theatre | Guthrie, OK, United States | Closed | 1 |
Grand Theatre | Independence, IA, United States | Closed | 1 |
Alhambra Theatre | Johannesburg, South Africa | Closed | 1 |
Grand Opera House | Kansas City, MO, United States | Closed | 1 |
Warwick Theatre | Kansas City, MO, United States | Closed | 1 |
Alhambra Theatre | Knightstown, IN, United States | Closed | 1 |