Ada Theater for sale?

posted by CSWalczak on October 2, 2009 at 7:40 am

ADA, OH — Rodney Miller, the current owner of the 61-year-old Ada Theater says in a recent article that the theater is for sale. However, if can’t get the price he wants, he has backup plan: acquire a liquor license , develop a relationship with a pizzaria, and add tables in the theater.

The Ada was substantially renovated in 1986, with additional improvements made since then. Miller owns three other theaters in addition to the one in Ada, home of Ohio Northern University.

Catching Rodney Miller, owner of M. E. Theatres Inc., while he is in Ada and has a moment of spare time is either a difficult task or a stroke of good fortune. On the occasion of the latter, he is gracious enough to talk about his most recent business news: the Ada movie theater is for sale.

“Right now I am running four theaters,” Miller explains, “which is part of the reason for the sale – I’m putting in well over 100 hours per week.”

Read the whole story in the Ada Herald.

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