The Warwick Theatre may rise again

posted by SaveTheWarwick on February 3, 2011 at 7:45 am

MARBLEHEAD, MA — The Historic Warwick Cinemas may once again be showing movies. The Theatre closed in 1999 an had been used in the interim by the local YMCA. Now a developer wants to renovate the building and there is a grassroots movement afoot to bring movies back to Marblehead.

As to the former theater, which closed its doors on Oct. 28, 1999, and reopened sometime later as the YMCA’s gymnastics center, the plans would “restore and conserve existing original elements at façade, canopy and signage.” That includes the marquee, which would have its lettering “reconditioned.” The rest of the façade would be beautified as well but would still be recognizable to longtime residents.

There’s more in The Marblehead Reporter.

There is also a Facebook page for those rallying to the cause.

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