Hollywood Theater

2815 Johnson Street NE,
Minneapolis, MN 55418

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Showing 26 - 37 of 37 comments

Patsy on August 3, 2007 at 2:43 pm

ariane: If you haven’t already, please post your comments of August 3, 2007 on the CT link below as well. And Sean Ryan’s May 7, 2004 post has some wonderful comparison interior and exterior photos that really put this theater’s past and present into better focus.


Patsy on August 3, 2007 at 2:38 pm

ariane: Nice to read your “of interest” post and hope that you are able to offer your expertise. BTW, did you take the 35W bridge from time to time in the Minneapolis area?

ariane on August 3, 2007 at 2:28 pm

I was just driving by the Hollywood theater and thinking about how it could be used as a non-profit community/youth arts center. I can see that a number of ventures are apparently underway, but would very much like to see what could be done to support a non-profit arts venture in conjunction with that which is already occurring. I’m an art teacher in Columbia Heights and would love to know what my students and I could do to support this idea. I would also be willing to write some grants (i.e. State Arts Board) or form a committee of local arts organization/art teachers to get the ball rolling. Let me know what I can do.


juanitak on September 28, 2006 at 9:22 pm

Sean Ryan,
I’m a student interested in learning more about the historical Hollywood hotel. I’m doing a research project and would like more information and pictures, if possible.

Patsy on July 24, 2006 at 8:22 pm

I certainly hope this art deco at its best is being restored to its former glory and beauty. What happened to this theatre that it as allowed to deteriorate over time?

Sean Ryan
Sean Ryan on May 21, 2006 at 9:51 pm

nope, i believe that is the hollywood in san fran, i’d have to actually research it though- like on this site…ha

MagicLantern on May 21, 2006 at 5:14 am

Not sure if this is the same theatre, but I think it is – it features prominently in this music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgRxF9_SlkA

BenMcGowan on October 4, 2004 at 2:08 pm

I was wondering what plans are currently being carried out to renovate the hollywood. I would like some information about the theater, and whether or not the owner would be interested in selling the property. Thank you.

Sean Ryan
Sean Ryan on June 1, 2004 at 3:30 am

The theater is still in the process of development. Complications continue to arise but it still looks good. I cannot be very specific on the details as certain parties are in negotiation. There may be twice as much money in the pot which mean a better venue. Work is still planned to begin this year. Further questions can be directed .

melinda on May 24, 2004 at 5:17 pm

Could someone let me know if there has been any progress with the redevelopement? It looks like the original post was made prior to February 2004. Thanks for your help.

Sean Ryan
Sean Ryan on May 7, 2004 at 4:11 pm

Photos of the theater can be seen here.

Sean Ryan
Sean Ryan on February 9, 2004 at 10:19 pm

Oops, the map is about 2 blocks too far north. The 4 digit zip must be incorrect, 2255 is my home 4 dig just 2 blocks away (about where the star is.) It should be just 55418.

Here is a site with a picture of the theater:


It doesn’t look like much now but it once was immensly beautiful. I will try to get some pics on the web from the 1935 opening.