Comments from DMS

Showing 51 - 75 of 91 comments

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 30, 2005 at 2:41 pm

Additionally, the TIF extension getting passed at all is a long shot. Our senator said in May that one of the reasons it did not go through before session ended was “there wasn’t a solid voice behind the plan”

Does it sound like there’s been much solidarity since then?

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 30, 2005 at 2:25 pm

Don’t forget that the grants totaled $1.3 million… only a fraction of the $8.5 million MINIMUM estimated to restore the theatre.

A majority of the rest was to come from a TIF extension that was NOT passed by the end of session in Springfield and won’t be passed until next spring most probably.

Don’t act like all the money was waiting in the bank – that’s far from the truth…besides I thought the grant $$ wasn’t necessary for the “fully funded” plan to balance?

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 29, 2005 at 8:45 am

There is absolutely NOTHING hasty about demolishing the theatre.

It’s been shuttered and closed for over a decade.

The village has allowed the Friends to find a FAIR restoration plan for 6 LONG years while the rest of us had to stare at that neglected building that has been crumbling right before our eyes.

The SAT grant was a joke – it required a 50 year lease of the property for a measly $300K. That amount is a drop in the proverbial bucket and a 50 year lease – yeah right, that’s going to happen…

There was no blunder – the village notified the Park Service they no longer needed the grant…news flash…THE BUILDING IS BEING DEMOLISHED! Let the foundation hang on to the grant – pretty soon, they will have to reject it as well.

The Illinois First million would not have helped all the other problems and deficiencies the RSC plan had, so it should and did go to another worthy cause.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 27, 2005 at 3:26 pm


You, as usual, are talking out of both sides of your mouth. When you were trying to avoid the board’s demolition vote – you claimed “We don’t need the 1 Million, the plan is fully funded whether the money comes through or not!”… NOW you say “All state and federal grants were always part of the restoration plan” Which is it? Do you even know?

I’m so glad that it no longer matters, I hated that RSC plan. It was a stinker and it is gone for good. I believe the only ones with egg on their face is you and your “friends” who thought you were going to waltz in and build that giant condo building in the name of preservation only to find out a group of your fellow residents, who have had enough of your double talk, pulled the rug right out from under you.

If there’s a way to save the theatre without breaking codes that uses more private dollars – bring it on, otherwise quit debating the RSC plan. It is, in fact, a dead horse.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 27, 2005 at 12:03 pm


I thought the “fully funded” plan didn’t really even need the grant money so what do you care?

Let that million go the battered women’s shelter or the transitional living place mentioned – those PEOPLE really need the states help. In the case of our BUILDING…it wouldn’t have made much of a difference.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 26, 2005 at 6:41 pm

Duper – you are hallucinating about those board meetings. I was there too. The April meeting was NOT packed and the June 2 meeting was NOT a special meeting but just a regular board meeting that included a vote for demolition. Most of the people in the audience that night were there to discuss the building expansion plans for the Lutheran church in town! There was also a group of my neighbors and myself who were OPPOSED to the RSC plan. After the church vote – more than half the room emptied out.

And the Sept 1 meeting was FULL of residents there about the cell tower issue.

Statements like yours that are so blatantly false, cause your credibility to take a serious nose dive.

C'mon pal – this schoolroom banter of “I have more friends than you do!” is SO STUPID it makes people sick.

If you thought you had such village wide support – you should have put your money where your oversized mouth is and PUT THIS ISSUE ON A BALLOT! But NO – you resisted until moment zero and by then it was too late. I still maintain that was a crucial error on your part because now you’re reduced to inflating petition and rally numbers to prove support….BIG MISTAKE…when will you admit it?

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 11, 2005 at 6:12 am

I agree Melders – you have had some reasonable points about how the village should not be in the business of running the theatre and that saving portions of the theater and marquee would be better than nothing. Unfortunately, here in Lombard, none of the “Friends” group share your views. I have stated time and time again, the Friends should support saving ANY part of the building possible for future use and they refuse. A neighbor of mine who fought against the condo plan contacted a member of the Friends and offered to go before the village board together to show support for that very thing. By joining forces, they could see there was a united front about saving a portion of the building for the new library or other development. They flatly refused. They really wanted preservation their way and were unwilling to go about it any other way. Personally, I believe it was about pride for them. That’s too bad. I am continuing to support preservation of those items and have written the board about it. Only time will tell.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 6, 2005 at 7:50 pm

I heard it from the VP himself so call him a liar if you want.

Who cares about dividing their organization at this stage?

The only thing that “upsets me greatly” are not opinions but the lies you have continually posted on this well-intentioned message board. The only MISinformation on this site comes from you.

It’s inflammatory people like you who fired up a lot of anger in the neighborhood surrounding the Dupe and hurt your cause. That turned out to be one of the keys to your demise. Too bad.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 6, 2005 at 12:59 pm

Beware of DuPage Dude – he is a former friend of the DuPage Theatre who was asked to leave the organization due to bad behavior that damaged their cause. His incoherent ramblings of under the table deals and conspiracy theories are as ridiculous as he is.

The library on the property will go before the voters and many of us that support it believe it will pass. Then all the readers on this site who believe the foolish delusions of such pro-theatre people can eat a big dish of crow.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 5, 2005 at 1:53 pm

Melders- I disagree. If the few historic parts of the Dupe are removed before demolition and used in the new library or retail that goes there. It will be a happy medium. These items include the ticket booth, light fixtures and some items for the historical museum (old projectors etc) I don’t think there will be many regrets. Remember the Dupe was not going to be a movie theatre like the old days and believe me when I say it was in REALLY bad shape. Gaping holes in the ceilings, rot, mold, no seats. The old owner turned off the heat and the pipes exploded inside all the walls and he painted over the old mural that was on the wall. The attached apt building was completely condemnable and unsafe. I think the village was right but it doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Corvette guy – THE DUPE WAS NOT GOING TO BE A MOVIE THEATRE! If you think the dance recitals and small theater productions planned at the Dupe were going to draw teenagers, that were otherwise going to vandalize the town, then I don’t think you know many teenagers. The police blotter you quoted could have come from any local paper in the country, theatre or not. The rise in drugs, sex and crime in teens comes from the breakdown of the family NOT the breakdown of old theaters. Please get a grip on reality and stop breathing in the fumes when you are restoring old theatres.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 30, 2005 at 5:28 pm

Sometimes it takes debates such as these to come up with solutions for preservation.

This Thursday Sept 1 will be a pivotal night for the fate of the DuPage Theatre. The village board meeting has on it’s agenda an item that will take them one step closer to demolition.

Will the Friends of the Theatre behave themselves and hopefully leave the door open for using part of the structure in a new library or will it be the same old song?

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 25, 2005 at 7:48 am


I NEVER said I wasn’t going to post anymore – that was Mr. Difino.

Also – give me a break, like you would find the screen names “duper supporter” or “dupage dude” on the Friends website! You could be anyone of the leadership – maybe not.

We agree on 2 fronts – referendum was essential for the Friends and they have not done it. They have only antagonized the board. Also, those of us who want to save the theatre as part of the library may have to go to the village ourselves. Then the Friends can declare a total and complete failure in their efforts to save the theatre. What a shame.

Perhaps those of you outside of Lombard can persuade them to swallow their pride and move on to talks of the library. It is their ONLY hope!

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 25, 2005 at 6:26 am

There you go preservationists – you get a first hand look at why the “grand lady” is comin down. A neighbor of the Dupe posts about urging the Friends to embrace the library/theatre idea before it’s too late and he gets attacked by 2 of the Friends – Duper dork and DuPage Dud. They call him a thug and say he’s “strange”. Way to go guys! You serve your cause well. Keep up the excellent PR – embrace the neighbors, building that excellent “grass roots” movement. NOT!

There is one group to blame for the downfall of the Dupe…“friends” like these. “With Friends like these, who needs enemies?”

By the way – Sept. 1 village board meeting is going to authorize demolition contract bids to be taken. I hope you’re having fun with your verbal volleyball games on this website when you should be working to save the structure for use in the library plan. You won’t and that’s too bad – the old Dupe deserved better than the likes of you to save her.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 22, 2005 at 1:20 pm

Here’s a news article from today’s local paper about the Dupe

View link

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 15, 2005 at 4:54 pm

You’ve never been opposed to referendum and yet you NEVER initiated one? Forget the last one you squashed…ancient history. I had nothing to do with that. What about since then? That was years ago!
I believe that was a tactical error and you’re probably right, it probably is too late.

I never said you didn’t have a right to speak and yes, it is our duty to question elected officials HOWEVER if you are hoping to change the minds of these same officials or appeal to the general public, I believe you went around it the wrong way. It doesn’t matter if I’m upset – what about those on the fence? Do you think you helped?

For you to say I hid in the shadows and takes snipes at people shows you’re a poor sport who is unable to listen to anyone with viewpoints that differ from their own. I have written 2 editorials to the newspaper with my name attached, walked door to door to talk to my neighbors about the RSC plan, signed 2 petitions and attended 2 board meetings. Two neighbors of mine spoke for the neighborhood to show our support for the defeat of the RSC plan. Does that sound like I’m in the shadows? You should be welcoming suggestions from people like me who are looking for alternatives to demolition that this town will support. Instead you imply I’m a sniping coward.

Readers of this site – you’ve heard my views, I would love a library/theatre. Will it happen? Who knows, but you’ve witnessed first hand why the problems of the Dupe here in Lombard are not getting solved. I’m not sure they ever will…

Have a great evening.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 15, 2005 at 1:59 pm

The foundation and the Friends are mostly the same people and you know it but it doesn’t matter… As far as the library goes on that corner what’s the big concern about TIF? TIF is not designated solely for renovating old theatres but all business. If the voters vote to pay for the library there and you can get the theatre incorporated into it, why wouldn’t that be ideal? Besides, what if the library/theatre could incorporate some retail so TIF could be used but not at the unprecedented levels the RSC plan wanted to?

You mentioned how the public should decide between the library and the RSC plan – How? Could it be…referendum?

The library will cost money, the library will cost money. Here we go again. My answer? The voters will decide, the voters will decide. I’m happy with that – how bout you? I will vote to support a tax increase for the new library especially with some retail and a parking garage to generate taxes. I honestly feel that would be the best for our downtown, if the theatre or part of it can be saved too – more’s the better.

Well folks, as you can see, the Friends will not pursue anything but their beloved condo/arts center plan. Their inability to see outside the box is apparent. What can you say?

“Interesting that I have that feeling”… what does that mean? Are you insinuating that I am part of some secret circle that knows something? Well, let’s see one trustee already said it may be down by winter and the vote to demolish was 2 months ago. Why is November interesting? Sounds logical to me?

Honestly – I believe the RSC plan is dead. The HUGE returns on the investment you’re expecting are speculative at best. If you want to keep arguing it and wasting time, go ahead. I believe it’s counterproductive at this crucial time. As far as the Friends self-destructing, I’m sorry but after you and Barb A spoke, I couldn’t believe the disrespect shown to the board. Even if you feel that way – how can you expect to convince them to change their minds by being rude?

What’s next for the Dupe? Only time will tell, I hope someone tries the library idea. It would definitely be a win win if the voters went that way.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 15, 2005 at 10:52 am

Did she really just say that “as residents, shouldn’t we all be given a choice, with the price tags to go along with each plan” and “public hearings on the matter would do the town good”

Boy Deb, you are starting to sound like the rest of us.. How come you didn’t feel that way about the condo building you wanted to build that was higher and bigger than codes would allow and would have required millions of OUR allotted TIF dollars?

You also refer to the library as a “pretty big gamble”. This from someone who spent a paragraph telling us about how life is full of risks and even though we thought the theatre was risky we should support it! C'mon Deb – move on and start thinking library. I think the theatre, or part of it, may be able to be saved as part of the library. How creative and useful is that? Either as a theatre or as part of the library itself? Can you imagine sitting in the audiotorium with the starry sky ceiling above us choosing or reading a good book? How about the old ticket booth used to sell tickets to the childrens shows and reading programs the library has?

I don’t think the Friends are at fault for the theatres demise. I think Lombardians apathy was a huge factor BUT since the June 2 vote, I think the Friends have been self-destructing, especially the board meeting antics.

Either way – I have a feeling that demolition will take place before November and that is going to come fast. Time to get serious.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 15, 2005 at 10:51 am

Did she really just say that “as residents, shouldn’t we all be given a choice, with the price tags to go along with each plan” and “public hearings on the matter would do the town good”

Boy Deb, you are starting to sound like the rest of us.. How come you didn’t feel that way about the condo building you wanted to build that was higher and bigger than codes would allow and would have required millions of OUR allotted TIF dollars?

You also refer to the library as a “pretty big gamble”. This from someone who spent a paragraph telling us about how life is full of risks and even though we thought the theatre was risky we should support it! C'mon Deb – move on and start thinking library. I think the theatre, or part of it, may be able to be saved as part of the library. How creative and useful is that? Either as a theatre or as part of the library itself? Can you imagine sitting in the audiotorium with the starry sky ceiling above us choosing or reading a good book? How about the old ticket booth used to sell tickets to the childrens shows and reading programs the library has?

I don’t think the Friends are at fault for the theatres demise. I think Lombardians apathy was a huge factor BUT since the June 2 vote, I think the Friends have been self-destructing, especially the board meeting antics.

Either way – I have a feeling that demolition will take place before November and that is going to come fast. Time to get serious.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 15, 2005 at 10:45 am

Did she really just say that “as residents, shouldn’t we all be given a choice, with the price tags to go along with each plan” and “public hearings on the matter would do the town good”

Boy Deb, you are starting to sound like the rest of us.. How come you didn’t feel that way about the condo building you wanted to build that was higher and bigger than codes would allow and would have required millions of OUR allotted TIF dollars?

You also refer to the library as a “pretty big gamble”. This from someone who spent a paragraph telling us about how life is full of risks and even though we thought the theatre was risky we should support it! C'mon Deb – move on and start thinking library. I think the theatre, or part of it, may be able to be saved as part of the library. How creative and useful is that? Either as a theatre or as part of the library itself? Can you imagine sitting in the audiotorium with the starry sky ceiling above us choosing or reading a good book? How about the old ticket booth used to sell tickets to the childrens shows and reading programs the library has?

I don’t think the Friends are at fault for the theatres demise. I think Lombardians apathy was a huge factor BUT since the June 2 vote, I think the Friends have been self-destructing, especially the board meeting antics.

Either way – I have a feeling that demolition will take place before November and that is going to come fast. Time to get serious.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 14, 2005 at 8:09 pm

Tap dancing AND selective hearing.

Library Library Library.

They refuse to respond because instead of saving the structure at all costs, they want it their way (it’s not Burger King, you know!)
They want their condo plan and will settle for nothing less.

Meanwhile, the clock is ticking down towards demolition…

Thursday night should be interesting

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 13, 2005 at 8:59 pm

You know what? After I left this site, I read the latest press article from the Friends on their website and I have to say, I think it’s over.

The latest column in our local newspaper by Ms. Dynako and another Friend refers to the property being “eyed for profitable endeavors by a few individuals” and then went on to encourage people to attend the board meeting and speak.

I think they’re done – that was another slap in the face to this board who is holding all the cards right now. The Friends won’t learn from their mistakes, they’ll just keep antagonizing until the bulldozers come. The library may have been a shot for them but I think this board is going to act and fast. Why should the trustees even try to accomodate a group who is consistently calling them thieves and swindlers. I’m pretty sure they blew it and it’s too bad because even someone like me who isn’t that passionate about saving the theatre liked the library/theatre idea.

Too bad.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 13, 2005 at 8:43 pm

It is a great idea and may be the Friends last hope. The apartment building that is attached to the Dupe would have to go – but that is by all counts condemnable as it is anyway.

Take everything down except the actual theater & foyer and build the new library around it! Maybe where the old apt bldg was can be a parking deck so they can have more space to build the new library. Even if they use their pledged private $$ to restore the marquee and facade while the library was built around it, then the interior restoration could be done at a slower pace while more funds are raised privately.

I’m not sure how the voters would feel but if the majority of the interior restoration money was raised privately, I would support it. If others did not, I think at the very very least, the marquee and facade should stay as well as some of the architectural features of the interior (ticket booth etc.)

Maybe the Friends could meet with the library board and the village and find out if this is possible. They have this architect who is supposedly an expert in restoring these theatres. Get him involved.

I’ll tell you one thing – the village has a board meeting again this week. If the Friends go up there and rip on the trustees again or start ripping on the suggestion of a library at the site, they can kiss that theatre goodbye and that will be a shame!

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 13, 2005 at 11:35 am

What about Trustee Soderstrom? Was he not perfectly clear? don’t remember only what you want to.

Let’s not start on the “fully funded” plan. You know where I stand, it was too big and required too many TIF dollars.

Why won’t you address the new info released about the library board’s interest in the property? If the voters decide to build a new library there – will you still be claiming the trustees were on the take? Why don’t they try to save the theatre or part of it as part of the library? I think it would be a win win if only people can move past the condos.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 13, 2005 at 7:00 am

DD – Remember, in all these years, there has been little or no interest in that property. What developer in their right mind would want to come into a town, tear down a theatre that has been a point of contention and then ask residents to shop at his stores or buy his condos? I believe most Lombardians don’t care enough to boycott – but the developer doesn’t know that. The only way to make the parcel marketable is for the village to take the step and demolish the building themselves. The building, as it stands now, looks very bad and neighboring residents are sick and tired of that. We don’t want to wait 6 more years for a plan that is reasonable.

These trustees are not on the take – did you know that one of the four that voted for demolition has been on the board for over a decade and had been a supporter of the theatre for years? He even attended benefits to save it. At the June meeting he and another trustee were very clear about their reasons for voting the way they did. It was not an easy decision for them but they had to consider the bigger picture.

Everything you and Melders said about the Friends is so right. When Ms. Dynako and some of the Friends took the podium at the July meeting, they were brutal to the board. It was really embarassing. They were so bad that even our village president, who has been a longtime supporter of the theatre, reprimanded them at the end. I would think any chance for overturning the vote ended that night. It’s too bad because I’m still hoping that they try to incorporate just the theatre but not the apartment building into the new library. Did you notice how they never respond to that? It’s their way (condo plan) or no way.

DMS commented about DuPage Theater on Aug 10, 2005 at 7:59 pm

I hope you are not referring to me – but frankly you have just thrown a rock from a glass house.

Did you know the Dupe wasn’t going to be a movie theatre? Does that mean the discussion of it’s fate belongs somewhere else?

As I’ve said before, just because this condo plan has failed, it may not be too late to save the theatre and incorporate into something else i.e. a new library.

What’s your plan? To wait around for the preservation fairy to sprinkle magic dust on the Dupe while you talk of movie theaters? It’s time for action, not words – before time runs out!

Woof woof and good night!