Comments from umbaba

Showing 151 - 175 of 206 comments

umbaba commented about Paramus Picture Show on Jun 13, 2004 at 7:36 am

It’s a good theater and it’d be a shame if they never show films anymore. It’s a single screen theater. There are things they could do to make it a great movie venue….first, it definitely needs sprucing up. The inside is rather dark and drab. The screen is a good size but they need new and better projection equipment as well as a new sound system. They seem to be still operating on the original mono. The sound was always low.

What could work , is if they show films like the Big Screen classic film series at Lafayette in Suffern. They could show film festivals featuring all time classics even those that played there in the past. That would add to the concerts that they now play. Imagine a weekend film festival featuring..Casablanca, Exorcist, Jaws, The Searchers, Snow White, Blazing Saddles, Godfather etc. etc. (yes, even King and I) It would be great at that theater.. I hope somebody connected there takes this idea to work on…If there isn’t…I VOLUNTEER. A great theater should not be silenced.

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on Jun 12, 2004 at 6:14 am

It’s a shame that Ny and NJ won’t see these prints…thanks Bill

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on Jun 11, 2004 at 4:09 am

I agree the screen at the Film Forum is too small but I’ll give them this…they do care about the presentation. I guess (for me at least) it’s just good to see the old classics on the big screen (even if the screen isn’t that big) but they do score good prints.

But the panavision/cinemascope films there are on the small side and you have to sit closer to the screen. It never bothered me though.

Pete, is there a site for Columbia that has their available 70MM prints . I’d be curious to see what films are available??

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on Jun 10, 2004 at 5:31 am

Bill….Well then America needs a 70MM ambassador to import these prints from Norway or Denmark or England or wherever all these 70mm prints are shown and bring them here. Geeze, they’re all shown overseas!!

RE: Lawrence/Arabia 70mm print last year…was it grainey?? What I remember was I went to the 10:30am show and when the first frame hit the screen i went …Whoa!! It was a great print

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on Jun 8, 2004 at 4:26 am

Bill, I would love to start some sort of organization to show 70MM flicks. The problem is, no money, no theater, no contacts, wouldn’t know where to start and I couldn’t get a theater anyway. I’m afraid (for myself) this will just have to be a dream.. a MAJOR life regret. If there was an existing organization, I would be the most loyal soldier, but money talks…and who has it? Oh well.

RE: Does Zeigfeld put on a good presentation…..last year in Oct. 2002 I saw the 40th Anniversary of Lawrence of Arabia…in remastered 70MM. Probably the last 70MM I’ll ever see..I hope was an awesome experience to see.

RE: Around the World in 80 Days….it has been stated here that no 70MM prints were struck for it…but on the site there is a photo of the film showing on a screen?? Is this a 70MM print Bill??

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on Jun 8, 2004 at 4:26 am

Bill, I would love to start some sort of organization to show 70MM flicks. The problem is, no money, no theater, no contacts, wouldn’t know where to start and I couldn’t get a theater anyway. I’m afraid (for myself) this will just have to be a dream.. a MAJOR life regret. If there was an existing organization, I would be the most loyal soldier, but money talks…and who has it? Oh well.

RE: Does Zeigfeld put on a good presentation…..last year in Oct. 2002 I saw the 40th Anniversary of Lawrence of Arabia…in remastered 70MM. Probably the last 70MM I’ll ever see..I hope was an awesome experience to see.

RE: Around the World in 80 Days….it has been stated here that no 70MM prints were struck for it…but on the site there is a photo of the film showing on a screen?? Is this a 70MM print Bill??

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on Jun 6, 2004 at 6:30 am

Sounds good Bill….I may have to venture to the Astor to see Potter too. Scott….egarding the editing of Attack of the Clones…gee, I bet it was a better picture shorter. I had seen Apollo 13 in was good, edited also and it was just like the TV version, cropped. But on the IMAX screen, it was a good experience

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on Jun 5, 2004 at 6:25 am

Well Bill…what can we do here (East coast) to get these knuckleheads to keep 70MM alive?? You know, it’s like the youth today who don’t like to watch a Black and White film…you mention 70MM to them and they don’t care….many adults too for that matter.

I remember going to se Spartacus at the Ziegfeld in 91 in 70MM. I was told…“You have it on tape, why are you paying to go see it?”

Lord they have eyes but cannot see!

I believe we in this room are a minority….film lovers, who value the presentation. Thetaer chains are run by ignorants or high schoolers who could care less, they just flip the switch. They are the Mexican army under Santa Anna and we are the small army inside The Alamo. We’re outnumbered and doomed to lose…but we’ll fight to the end.

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on Jun 4, 2004 at 3:59 am

Bill and Mike…the 70MM site is excellent. I look forward to the NJ list. Because of you guys, my interest has peaked and I have been doing my own research to all the 70MM flicks I have seen or has been presented. In my research, it’s amazing, all the “presentations” (for you Vincent) that played in 70MM. It seems every big movie played in at least 1 or 2 theaters in NY or NJ in 70mm.

You know, it has me thinking…have we seen the demise of the 70MM presentaion?? It seems the only special showing these days are the digital presentations. It’s also a damn shame that most of the 70mm prints have been destroyed. Wouldn’t it have been great if the prints were preserved and used for the home video DVD transfers? I mean even movies like Rocky III and Staying Alive, which were great being seen in 70MM might have had a better DVD presentation with the 70MM six track print…I don’t know…it seems such a waste.

The Loews/Sony multiplex in Willowbrook in Wayne showed many 70MM showings. Now it’s a multiplex dump.

Anyway good work guys, I wonder if both our researches turn up the same thing. I have been taking the microfilm and making copies of the pages for my own collection.

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 28, 2004 at 5:45 am

Bill, great Star Wars article. It brings back memories as I remember knowing people who saw the film for the first time at a standard 35mm mono sound theater(in those days most were mono) and they either, didn’t see what was the big deal, fell asleep or hated it.
I remember the 3rd and 4th time I saw the film was at the Totowa Cinema 2 and the Willowbrook 3 (former grand theaters then cut up for multiplexing) and I was …well, quite bored. The next time was the 79 re-release and I saw it again in 70MM at the Paramus theater and I loved it. It just goes to show that the 70MM showings made the difference for seeing that movie and for our memories. I assume that’s one of the reasons there’s so many replies to the Astor Plaza.

umbaba commented about Cineplex Odeon Route 17 Triplex on May 28, 2004 at 5:40 am

I can only imagine what this theater was like as a single screen. But I have to say that I was a little impressed by the theater size when I saw The Alamo recently. Comparing it to alot of other smaller multiplex screens. The projection quality and sound were poor but it was the 2nd time I was at the theater. I was in the balcony theater last summer and was impressed. It’s hard to imagine there was a wall down the middle before the triplex. It’s ashame there’s no photos of the theater.

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 28, 2004 at 5:27 am

Thanks Bill. Because of this site, I found it a while ago, I think it’s great. I wish they had more about 70MM presentations from NY and NJ. I’ve been researching myself and it’s amazing, all the 70MM showings there were. Thanks again.

umbaba commented about Cineplex Odeon Route 17 Triplex on May 27, 2004 at 4:01 am

So, does anyone know which theater was Century #1 and Century #2?? right or left?? Just curious. I assumed it was always a top and bottom theater…didn’t figure it was split down the middle, then a restored balcony.

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 27, 2004 at 3:56 am

Well. at least I’m not alone. I’m not the only one who watched Star Wars on the anniversary and remembered. In fact I watched the whole “original” version s of the trilogy. Most would say..“get a life”. But hey, it’s my life. Glad tthere are other members.

Yes, I’ve been researching lately too as to all the 70MM presentations that were shown and I’ve seen. It’s amazing , all the 70mm showings that were. Now, there aren’t any.

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 26, 2004 at 3:51 am

Vincent….well if you wanna get technical??? I saw it at Stanley Warner in Paramus, I was 16,at that time I was working at the Clifton theater where “THe Deep” was playing, Mom picked me up after work,we all stood in line in Paramus and when the opening scene occurred, the audience flipped, I remember thinking, I’ll never have an experience like this again (so for me, a masterpece). If it wasn’t filmed in 70MM, it didn’t matter to me, it was shown in 70MM and the it worked for me. Last night I watched the original version again and it brought back memories.

There were many 70MM flicks I’ve experienced and alot of them made a difference in the viewing. I mean I saw “Staying Alive” in 70MM, it was great. When I saw it again, I thought, “What were they thinking”!! “Far and Away” was shot in 70MM and not only did the film stink, but I was unimpressed by the 70MM…but, Vincent, I hear where you’re coming from and I agree with your wish for a 68ft. screen. To each his own I guess. I also suppose it’s not worth it to venture to the Astor to say goodbye since the quality seems to be slipping. Guess we’ll just keep our own experiences in

umbaba commented about Radio City Music Hall on May 25, 2004 at 4:15 am

I saw Bonnie and Clyde that year. The next year I saw Psycho, Jaws and The Sting. I remember the reaction and the screams of people when watching Psycho and Jaws. It was like the first time seeing it, and people laughed and applauded. It was great. The prints were archived prints, good but nothing special, it was good enough though. Mono soundtracks, sounding echoing in the auditorium. I remember talking to an usher that night and he was saying they were planning for the next series with a screening of Superman. That was in 1997. So, that’s a done deal. But seeing these films in the Music Hall were a special experience. It’s too bad they don’t do this anymore. But I guess there’s too many rap concerts to plan.

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 25, 2004 at 4:07 am

I agree with a previous post about “80 Days”. That watching it on TV , it is a boring film. In fact I believe of all the BEST PICTURE winners, I consider it the most overrated and unworthy of a win, considering in 1956, there was Ten Commandments, King and I and Giant. But, I DO feel that if it was seen on the big screen, it might have a different impact. As we all know, there’s nothing like the experience of a big screen experience like the Astpr would offer. Guess we’ll just have to let this one go.

So, for ALL the Astor Plaza fans, this is a good anniversary day, and a little nostalgia…..27 years ago today, May 25, 1977, STAR WARS opened across the country and at the Astor. A 70MM masterpiece. So, Happy Anniversary to us all who share in a great big screen 6-track sound 70mm memory. Those were the days.

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 24, 2004 at 4:10 am

We live in a world of home video and television with only a selected few venturing out to see movies that are on TV all the time.
That’s us. Whatever we may understand about the financial woes of restoring a classic film, doesn’t mean we have to like it, and obviously we don’t. But it’s people like all on this site that have a loud voice about keeping these films alive and shown the way they’re supposed to. Keep it up. I doubt 40 years from now that there’ll be a site like this debating about restoring Van Helsing to be seen again on the big screen!!

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 23, 2004 at 10:59 am

Great comments all….Movies are a business YES. It’s all taking a chance. If 80 Days was re-released , it probably wouldn’t make much money but it IS part of film history and that’s how films are RE discovered. Sure, show it at the Ziegfeld, it would do fine but bottom line as you all said, no one will consider shelling out the bucks while the next Freddie Prinz jr. film is in the can. It’s all a gamble. With great advertising to make it an event I bet it would do well. They did that with Gone With the Wind in 98, now I don’t think they thought it was going to gross $50 million but it did respectable business BUT, it was released as a movie to re-discover and re experience. A 60 year old 4 hour movie from the 30’s. That’s the whole point of restoring and rediscovering (I’m overusing this term yes) classic movies. It’s just that the money will not be shelled out for it, but I have to believe that a print or 2 have been struck for special showings and that at some point we’ll see it.

Maybe at The Lafayette huh Pete?? The last great theater still operating. I urge all of you to go see a film there.

Overall, it’s a damn shame that 80 Days will only be seen on a TV screen where it wasn’t meant to be experienced.

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 21, 2004 at 3:58 am

Vincent…Thank you…you are SO right. I remember when Spartacus was shown in 70mm in 91.It was a hit. 80 Days would also be a hit. I wish you had the job. Dick May probably has a teenager in his office calling the shots. and Bill Kallay, I definitely agree, if the Astor went out in a blaze of glory, there’d be lines around the block, but God forbid MTV doesn’t get to start renovating so Brittany, Usher or some other godawful “talent” can have more studio space. I fear guys, that after our ranting and the theaters are all gone we’ll all …ride into the sunset with our memories and no hope for a cinema future..what can we do?

BTW…When was the last time a 70MM film played at all….besides Lawrence of Arabia last year??

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 19, 2004 at 4:02 am

I agree Bill…why not use the theaters for “loss leaders” (if thats the term. You know, when Radio City had their film festival, it was packed, I am so shocked they never continued it. Seeing “Jaws” with an audience of 5,ooo people was tremendous.
It would be great if The Astor played the greats and in 70MM. Can you imagine if the played “Star Wars” again. It would be packed. But it would take a movie lover , like all here, to bring that forth. Unfortunately, the theaters are run by businessman and not film lover businessman. It’s all about the teenagers who don’t even know what 70MM is. We are DOOMED. But we have our memories.

BTW… My “Star Wars” experience was at the Stanley Warner Route 4 in Paramus NJ. 70MM 6-track. My God, WHAT an experience, when the ship came overhead in the beginning the crowd went crazy, as they did when the ship went into hyperspace. When was the last time you saw a film that you know was an awesome experience. It’s all about opening weekend numbers, not film quality, I mean Van Helsing ?? did you see the previews. I don’t even care if I see it.
I guess we’re all gonna have to rely on the Ziegfeld for film revivals….I can’t believe “Around the World in 80 Days” isn’t being re-released since it’s out on DVD.

I’ve been going to the Lafayette Theater in Suffern, NY. It’s an awesome theater. They show BigScreen classics in a series. They’re showing “Jaws” and “Thunderball” in a few weeks.

umbaba commented about Ziegfeld Theatre on May 18, 2004 at 4:32 am

What is the deal with the Ziegfeld right now?? Is it going to stay closed and be used only for premieres? It seems that they won’t be playing new releases since they’re playing at all the multiplexes anyway.

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 18, 2004 at 4:28 am

Wishfull thinking Acevedo, but I doubt Sam jackson could care less about The Astor. I guess whatever memories we all have of the Astor will have to stay in our memories cause there ain’t a dam thing we can do. It’s all about money.

About the Loews State theater closing. Again, which theater is that, is that the one buried in the Virgin Record store and is that the Old State Theater site??

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 12, 2004 at 8:04 am

Bill…for your research…in 1990…2 70MM presentations played in North NJ…Far and Away…and Dick Tracy at the Loews 6 plex in Wayne….I saw them both….ALSO IN 1983 at the Loews in Wayne I saw a 70mm print of Staying Alive..I believe Ghandi(1982) played in 70MM also at the Loews but it needs confirmation.

Many posters are annoyed about us getting off track about the Astor. I believe that this site seems to be our main office or gathering hall. Anyone agree?

umbaba commented about Palladium Times Square on May 11, 2004 at 4:05 am

Bill…..Quinaphonic-Quadraphonic…It was 1975 and yes, they didn’t really advertise the audio so you can imagine the surprise to a 14 year old when these films blasted off the screen. (Tommy and Hindenburg)

Re: research for 70MM in NJ….Cinema 46 did play 1941, in December 1979 in 70MM 6 track. It says in the ads which is why I’m one of the few who still likes the flick. It was a good experience watching it. Cinema 46 did advertise 4 track stereo in the later 70’s ….Macarthur….The Car…. other 70MM at the Cinema 46…in the early 80’s…Superman II, Outland, Poltergeist…I saw them all there…

If you ever get to Montclair State University, they have a good microfilm set.

Van Helsing is at the Astor….while at a bunch of other theaters….they probably didn’t have too big a house….it’s going under soon?? anyone have a date yet?? will it last through the end of the Summer or year??