DuPage Theater

109 S. Main Street,
Lombard, IL 60148

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Showing 201 - 225 of 1,253 comments

rbtbid on October 27, 2005 at 7:58 am

One only needs to look at the Lincoln Square development to see that new retail space is NOT in demand….all that new space is still empty nearly a year later. And you know “supporter” you are grasping at straws at this point. The redevelopment of the park land and allocation of TIF for the new shared park district maintenance facility was correct. It took prime downtown property and put it back on the tax rolls..and got rid of the unsighly maintenance garage in the heart of town.

Find private funding for your theatre project and go for it….heck you can even have $1.5 million in TIF and not upset us so called “theatre haters”. But again when there is no private investment in the theatre, the project is full of taxpayer intervention.

Take the tax credits, take the Save The Treasure grants, take some more TIF but then find PRIVATE dollars for the rest. Nearly one hundred percent of the project was being financed via some sort of “tax intervention” and not with private donations or private equity.

raymond on October 27, 2005 at 7:55 am

Dude.I see that you are logged on again.Are you the one logged on all day?
Or is it me who is logged on all day?Maybe it is all one of us.
Or maybe it is both of us.It gets so confusing.

DuPagefiends on October 27, 2005 at 7:55 am

duper stupid, seeing that I am a taxpayer in this town I guess I contribute everyday. The Village has reportedly dumped over $500,000 into the theatre. Plus that safety fence around it is not free…more tax dollars wasted.

Plus how can I contribute seeing as there has not been a fundraiser in over a year?

raymond on October 27, 2005 at 7:47 am

Challenger. I have donated many times.How about you?
Or is your idea “once is enough” ?

DuPageDude on October 27, 2005 at 7:42 am


raymond on October 27, 2005 at 7:41 am

Medlers.They really could care about TIF and grants.It is all about no theatre.No TIF no theatre.No grants no theatre.
Make no mistake about it.If they are so concerned about TIF ,then there is plenty of TIF being rebated for other so called “questionable ” projects.But they “don’t wanna
talk about it”. Same with grants. Federal or state.
They only want “ no TIF no theatre."No grants no theatre"
$1.5 million in TIF was diverted to pay for a maintance building for the park district thus avoiding the need for a referendum.The park district has a $3 million deficit for 2004.They don’t want to talk about that.The park district just received a grant from the state.Where are their complaints "no grants for the park district?” They are just a little group of narrow minded people with no vision,“just a mission."
The village board told the foundation to persue and get as many grants as possible.They don’t want to talk about that also.
They don’t want to talk about the "real” issues.Like"what tax invervention" to restore and operate the theatre?

DuPagefiends on October 27, 2005 at 7:28 am

Duper, I have donated already. So much for your anti-preservationist theories.

Dude, you yourself said regarding the lights on the prarie path? “Why can’t we (taxpayers) pay for the theatre?”

hdtv267, why don’t you tell the “preservationist” (one of whom is logged on this site all day) to get off their rear-ends and start trying to save the theatre. The administrators of this website are well aware of this theatre and these postings. If they had a problem they would lock us out. Don’t whine to us, and complain to them.

raymond on October 27, 2005 at 6:36 am

challenger.caps lock please.

DuPageDude on October 27, 2005 at 6:29 am

Hey Dupe Supp, your neighbor home?

DuPageDude on October 27, 2005 at 6:27 am

Thanks Melders, sometimes when I’m bored it is fun to play with a few little CHALLENGED minds on here…

Glad to see a fellow intelligent mind can see through the BS they spew!!!

raymond on October 27, 2005 at 6:22 am

Challenger.Will you donat to the cause? Preserving the Dupage Theatre.

melders on October 27, 2005 at 6:19 am

Challenger, sorry I have attacked you in the past, please don’t attack me any more. I don’t like to respond to DuPageDude, I find his comments on here rather annoying, but I also feel the same about Concerned Taxpaper. I do support some of what he says, mainly when it comes to the mall and convention center. What his says is legitimate. Why do none of these anti-tax people complain about all the money going into those projects? I can see why you don’t want TIF money going into the project, but Concerned Taxpaper even complains about the use of Save America’s Treasures money. That program gets about 10 million dollars in funding from the federal government, which has a yearly budget in the TRILLIONS. That money will go somewhere, why shouldn’t it go to Lombard? I don’t consider historic tax credits a waste of tax money, they have been used successfully on restoration projects for about 30 years

DuPageDude on October 27, 2005 at 6:18 am


No fundraisers because there wasn’t support by the Board///Why do it if you have to fight legal battles, etc?

raymond on October 27, 2005 at 6:17 am

Hey dude.You and I are logged on at the same time.
What do you know about that? Btw.You are me and I am you.I know because I checked your"IP" address!

DuPagefiends on October 27, 2005 at 6:13 am

dud (aka JD), so at least you admit that those were your quotes. Otherwise how would you know that there were more to those quotes?

Further proof (not that we need it):
Why would be 1 year since the last fundraiser?
because fundraisers are hard and the same 200 people were sick of being the ONLY people to go to the fundraisers. Thus some genius said “why have fundraisers when we could have the taxpayers pay for the whole thing” End of story!

raymond on October 27, 2005 at 6:09 am

I still don’t have an answer.“What tax intervention”?
Key words…..“What tax intervention”?
BTW.The proceeds from the “village” owned land sales that was agreed upon by a mayority of the village board back in 2002.
Village owned theatre and land that Big Idea donated to the village of Lombard.Free!
You make it appear the land is a goldmine of realestate values.
Doubtfull, since it is in the “ heart” of a TIF district.Has been for years now I might add.
Jmo.But aren’t there 4 TIF districts now? hummmm?

DuPageDude on October 27, 2005 at 6:01 am

Where are those quotes? Post the ENTIRE RESPONSE OR DON’T POST IT AT ALL!!

DuPagefiends on October 27, 2005 at 5:59 am

You have been exposed as a fraud time and time again. It was you who was quoted “why have fundraisers when we could have the taxpayers pay for the whole thing”

Remember your quote when you were crying about the lights on the prarie path? “Why can’t we (taxpayers) pay for the theatre?”

DuPageDude on October 27, 2005 at 5:49 am

LOOK AGAIN, challenged…THE DUDE AND SUPPORTER BOTH ON AT THE SAME TIME, AS YOU ARE, SO THEREFORE WE MUST ALL BE THE SAME PERSON, RIGH? I alreday admitted to being the Easter Bunny, Santa and now ad Elvis to that list… Viva LasDuPage!!

DuPageDude on October 27, 2005 at 5:47 am

You keep trying to scare folks when you talk about TIF by stating that a MAJORITY of their taxes would go to the development, which is true but what about the portion that WOULD go to the schools, park dist., etc? ANYTHING is better than nothing, isn’t it?

You keep talking about how great the Mall area is, but why then does the Village insist on trying to refer to it as “blighted” and an “economic liability to the Village”…That’s right, to get TAX DOLLARS to give to an ENTIRELY PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT!!!

I don’t see ANY complaints by you people regarding the MAll, convention center or any other use of tax dollars anywhere. WHat about the Illinois First grant that worked on a park on Westmore? How does that benefit the taxpaying senior citizens or handicapped here in Lombard?

If you can’t (or in this case REFUSE) to apply the logic you are using to the theatre to other projects such as the Mall or Convention Center, than ovbiously you are ANTI-THEATRE!!!

raymond on October 27, 2005 at 5:44 am

Wouldn’t it be better to have Lombard’s portion of those realestate tax dollars diverted to restoring an historical building that is in the “heart” of Lombard’s historical district.Better than going into some developers “ deep pockets "You know.TIF rebates,sales tax rebates,service tax rebates,and restaurant tax rebates to that developer of "village owned "park district property”.Let’s not forget that $1.5 million of TIF diverted to pay for that huge park district building.Give me a break.
Motor fuel taxes,sales taxes,income taxes,ect are not realestate “now are they”?You are ridiculous.
btw.I know that I may sound like a broken record,but so do you.
If grants are taxes and you oppose the use of grants then start your “little” crusade against Lombard’s use of grant money.Lombard sure
gets enough “applications” “just applications"Ooops I mean real grants.
Jmo but it seems that you are just opposed to the use of TIF,and grants for the theatre. Remember this one? "No TIF no theatre"
Why not "No TIF no maintance building”? hummmm?

DuPagefiends on October 27, 2005 at 5:38 am

dupage DUD…This is the Dupage site not the mall site. Take your smokescreen somewhere else.

Anybody else notice that everytime duper logs off, dude logs on and posts, and vice-versa.

All you arm-chair preservationists that read his posting are just as big a fool as the guy posting. Why don’t you call him out like the rest of us “anti-taxpayer funded theatre” people have done. (that means you melders)

DuPagefiends on October 27, 2005 at 5:29 am

duper stuper….nice comeback!!!

CT2 answered you stupid question so quit asking it.

DuPageDude on October 27, 2005 at 5:29 am

Wanna talk about TAX DIVERSION? Let’s talk about the MALL. TAX DOLLARS diverted to PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT!! NO public involvement here. Let’s talk about the CONVENTION CENTER ALL TAX DOLLARS DIVERTED TO PAY BACK BONDS. Hotel/motel tax dollars suffer…Things such as Lilac Parade, TAste of Lombard, fireworks, Channel 6 could potentially be slashed. Anti-theatre pundits may actually have to come out in public to attend meetings…Well, 4 of the anti-theatre crowd will be there, they sit on the dais.

Now, these aformentioned uses of taxes are similar to the theatre funding, WHY OH WHY ARE YOU NOT AGAINST THEM???

In addition, if you are sooooo AGAINST tax dollars going for public development, you better stop paying taxes-do you know how many billions go out for similar projects every year?

raymond on October 27, 2005 at 5:06 am

ct1 ct2 lynch,challenger.caps lock!