Comments from Billyfish

Showing 3 comments

Billyfish commented about Uptown Theatre on Dec 27, 2009 at 8:53 am

You are probably right; they are probably in every theater. I guess the difference is when you actually see a rather large one… I have to say that in most theaters I’ve been in, I have NOT seen rats. Then again, I’m not searching for them and don’t really want to see any. Perhaps I’m simply in denial.

Billyfish commented about Uptown Theatre on Dec 27, 2009 at 8:16 am

Looking only for useful responses, thanks just the same. We’re specifically discussing the Uptown Theater in Washington, DC. Did you watch Avatar last week in “all cinemas, new or old — or in restaurants, hotels, the Metro, outside, etc.?”

What I was hoping to hear from someone is that the management was aware that they had a rodent problem a year or two ago, but that the exterminators were called in and the problem is now under control. Or something similar…

Billyfish commented about Uptown Theatre on Dec 27, 2009 at 7:15 am

I truly love this theater, and have seen several movies there, including the 70mm re-release of Lawrence of Arabia, back in 1988. However, last time I was there (I believe it was early 2008), during one of the brighter screen moments in the film, I clearly saw a very LARGE rat crossing the aisle 10 or so rows down from where I was sitting. Since then I have not felt comfortable returning to the Uptown. Has anyone else had such an experience there? I wonder if the management knows they have a rodent problem…