Comments from BushwickJAK

Showing 2 comments

BushwickJAK commented about Grove Theater on Oct 1, 2004 at 10:18 pm

Remember the Grove Theater quite fondly. Remember hurrying on Saturday mornings to get all chores done so we could get to the Grove when it opened to see 27 cartoons, the “RACE” where you could win a prize and then 2 Feature Films for the same price you can get a gum ball in a machine now-a-days. I think parents at the time thought it to be a great “baby sitter” for the day as we spent many hours with our eyes glued to the screen. Really miss those times and think about what going to a movie today costs and half the time the film isn’t worth the money. What happened to those cartoons and news clips before the main feature instead of ads that no one cares for? Oh to reminisce and think about what this generation is missing out on.

BushwickJAK commented about Alhambra Theatre on Oct 1, 2004 at 9:57 pm

Pete, I lived on Central Ave. between Cornelia and Jefferson, attended PS 106, JHS 85, BHS and then moved to L.I. where I worked for Grumman. Moved to VA in ‘79 and have a son that lives in Burlington, NC, where you say your Aunt & Uncle moved to. About the food here, you can’t get a hard roll anyplace unless you take what they consider a roll and overheat it in a microwave until it turns hard. Miss a lot of the food from Brooklyn. We are having a discussion about the year the Alhambra closed and wondered if anyone with reliable information really knows when as the dates in this site seem to be in conflict with what others have told me.