Comments from cineaste

Showing 2 comments

cineaste commented about Metro Twin on Jan 23, 2006 at 10:09 am

All this talk about terrible business at the Metro resulting in inevitable closing… It’s no wonder, as many films were so obscure as to draw in virtually no one— not even me (with a couple of exceptions over the last year), a huge fan of “art house” flics. Put in the kind of films programmed at Sunshine or Lincoln Plaza, and they’ll have a solid clientelle again. Here’s wishing so.

cineaste commented about Metro Twin on Dec 25, 2005 at 1:48 pm

I live in the neighborhood and enjoyed having the Metro so close by; I frequent “art films” but some of their selections were fairly obscure, and I often wondered how they could stay afloat when even on weekend evening screenings, I was seldom one of more than a dozen in the audience.

A sign in the window a few days ago promised to show Woody Allen’s “Match Point” soon, but this seems very unlikely. If they can manage to stay open under same or new management, I will keep coming. It would be a terrible shame to lose another unique moviehouse (and the Thalia is not a consolation: great as they are, they offer generally very old news— films already out 1 year+.)