Comments from ConcernedResident

Showing 5 comments

ConcernedResident commented about DuPage Theater on Jun 14, 2005 at 7:40 am

Sorry, I didn’t realize. I propose a referendum would document the will of the people and provide the proof of support that appears to be lacking in this restoration effort.

ConcernedResident commented about DuPage Theater on Jun 14, 2005 at 7:39 am

Sorry, I didn’t realize. I propose a referendum would document the will of the people and provide the proof of support that appears to be lacking in this restoration effort.

ConcernedResident commented about DuPage Theater on Jun 14, 2005 at 4:34 am

Have you documented these majority of the residents? Did you put a referendum on the ballot? This would prove your case and provide you the proof to show you have the resident’s support, something that is difficult to prove without a formal referendum. Just like the schools and libraries must have the formal approval of the residents. How about putting a referendum on the November ballot?

ConcernedResident commented about DuPage Theater on Jun 13, 2005 at 5:20 pm

Wow, 200 people, that is great. Did you find anyone to buy the Theatre from the Village and do a private restoration? Did you raise any private funds?

ConcernedResident commented about DuPage Theater on Jun 22, 2004 at 10:04 am

The restoration of the DuPage Theatre has been attempted before and the residents did not support it. The only significant financial support has been through tax dollars, not private funding. If you have a spare $10 million that you want to throw away, buy the property and restore the theatre and write off the losses. Better yet, a majority of the residents support tearing the theatre down and developing a tax generating facility on that property to benefit all the residents of Lombard, not an exclusive few.