Comments from Darwyn

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Darwyn commented about Centre Theatre on Jul 23, 2014 at 8:41 pm

re: Jim Sutton… yes, I remember Jim well. (at least I think it was Jim Sutton. I read Rich’s note too and now I’m unsure, but this is what I remember… perhaps he worked both theatres?) Anway, I was in college at CU Boudler and worked full time at Centre Theatre in the summer under Jim and then later when the semester started up on the weekends. I only worked about a year.. this would be around ‘71-'72 thereabouts.

I really-really liked him as a manager. He was efficient, kind, fair and treated everyone with respect. He was a coin collector and I still have a few two dollar bills and a couple of five dollar silver certificates that he allowed me to swap out for cash. I promised him I would never spend them and I haven’t to this day. I think of him everytime I take them out.

In a way, I’m hoping that Rich is wrong only because I’d rather not think of Jim as not being aorund any longer. He was such a great guy. No matter what, I’ll always remember him with fondness.