Comments from Frogger75

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Frogger75 commented about Santa Maria Theatre on Nov 22, 2012 at 3:11 pm

Wow! Memories and more memories, this was a great theatre, tucked in right along broadway, I remember seeing “Born in East LA” there back in 87'. The entire block was historic and it’s an absolute travesty what happened to it. This whole block was torn down so we could have a shopping center with a foot bridge that crosses over broadway and connects the mall to the shopping center. The shopping center is mostly vacant and Mervyns, the biggest store that was there, has been closed and empty for ten years. It’s the Santa Maria version of “the bridge to nowhere”. Bonnach nailed it, almost all of the things that made Santa Maria a nice quaint little town, like the SM theatre, have been bulldozed and replaced with strip mall garbage.