Comments from jjjjjfffffddddd

Showing 3 comments

jjjjjfffffddddd commented about Hollywood Theatre on Oct 18, 2005 at 4:04 pm

Thanks for the pictures of the theatre Robert. Since my friends and I worked there for quite a while,we look forward to spotting a familar face or two or perhaps a faded memory.

jjjjjfffffddddd commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 9, 2005 at 1:37 am

Thanks for the picture of the theatre during the early eighties.Anyone have ANY pictures-either inside or outside the theatre during the late sixties or early seventies?

jjjjjfffffddddd commented about Hollywood Theatre on Nov 21, 2004 at 5:12 pm

my friends and I worked at the theater during the late sixties and throughout most of the seventies. I remember working till close at 5 in the morning;the blvd. regulars; the drug scene; the hidden room above the stage; the friends ;the managers; the old ticket booth;watching the christmas parade from atop the roof;looking for wallets between the seats after we closed;the metal light fixtures that hung on the walls going down the aisles were with red bulbs for warmth in the winter and blue in the summer